What is Workplace Stress?
Job Stress The challenges and demands of work become excessive The pressures of the workplace surpass worker’s abilities to handle them Satisfaction becomes frustration and exhaustion
Causes of job stress High demands on the job Real or perceived lack of control concerning job demands Poor day-to-day organization and communication Unsupportive work environment
Factors That Lead to Job Stress Specific work factors Physical environment Organizational practices Workplace change Interpersonal relationships Personality
The Great Wakup Call: Signs and Symptoms of Burnout Lose priorities Lose track of values Lack of satisfaction & joy Lack of challenge & commitment to goals Constantly tired, emotionally flat Worried, anxious Feeling overwhelmed Can’t deal with new stuff See issues as problems Reduced performance Feeling out of control Depression/illness/disease
Health Effects of Job Stress Headache Sleep disturbances Upset stomach Frequent colds Irritability Hypertension Depression Anxiety Muscle pain Fatigue Mood swings Eating disorders
What you can do to make a difference
Steps to a Strong Personal Foundation Orient Around Your Values Satisfy Your Needs Identify and Reduce Tolerations Resolve Unfinished Business Set and Honor Personal Boundaries Identify Irrational Thought Patterns Escape the “Do it All” Syndrome Use Time Management Strategies Create Healthy Lifestyle Habits Engage in healthy pleasures
Creating Boundaries Boundaries protect you from people that your spirit cannot easily afford Boundaries help define priorities Boundaries help you get your needs met Boundaries help you raise your standards Boundaries free up time Boundaries allow you to say “No”
Living According to Your Values Values create meaning and purpose To live in integrity, we must live by our values Values energize us Not living by your values creates stress: we feel guilty, anxious, worried, resentful
Zap Your Tolerations What you put up with drains your energy Tolerations keep you from growing Tolerations create stress Tolerations take up precious time
SELF INDUCED STRESS Do it all syndrome Perfectionism Inability to say no Fear of failure Multiple role conflicts Difficulty expressing anger Need for approval Need to prove oneself
Resolving Unfinished Business Unresolved business creates messes & causes stress They build up and overwhelm you They cause worry and anxiety They create a downward spiral: life feels out of control
PHYSICAL Appetite change Headaches Tension Fatigue Insomnia Muscle aches Colds Teeth grinding Restlessness Increased alcohol and drugs Lowered sex drive MENTAL Forgetfulness Poor concentration Negative attitude Confusion Apathy Can’t focus Boredom Negative self-talk Emptiness Self doubt EMOTIONAL Anxiety Frustration The “blues” Mood swings Bad temper Crying spells Irritability Depression Worry Little joy RELATIONAL Isolation Intolerance Resentment Loneliness Lashing out Distrust Lack of intimacy Fewer contact with friends Cynicism unforgiving