Melaleuca Control Recommendations for Homeowners Ken Langeland UF/IFAS Agronomy Department Center for Aquatic and Invasive Plants
Methods Of Application Hack and Squirt Cut Stump Foliar
ImazapyrArsenalFoliar, Stump, Hack and Squirt HexazinoneVelpar L, Velpar ULWSoil GlyphosateTerrestrial: Roundup, Glyphos, Glypro plus Aquatic: Rodeo, Glypro, Aquapro, Aquamaster, Aquaneat Stump, Hack and Squirt Triclopyr amineGarlon 3AStump Triclopyr esterGarlon 4Stump ImazapicPlateauFoliar Herbicides Used for Melaleuca Control Active IngredientBrand Name(s)Application Method
What Property Owners Can Do Remove invasive plants from landscapes Contractors for large jobs Dispose of yard waste appropriately –Treat stumps with herbicide Ortho Brush-B-Gon Roundup Super Concentrate Enforcer Brush Killer
Personal Protection Equipment (PPE) Eye protection Long sleeves Chemical resistant gloves Follow label PPE instructions!
Inactive xylem Active xylem Cambium and phloem Bark Woody Stems
Cut as close to ground as possible Cut stumps level! Apply herbicide just inside bark (cambium) Treat entire circumference Treat within 15 minutes of cutting
Hack and Squirt Cut all the way around stem Cut all the way in to cambium Apply herbicide to exposed cambium Use dyes so you can see what’s been treated Treat within 15 minutes of cutting
Bobwhite quailLaboratory Rat Glyphosate >4,640 4,300 Hexazinone >10,000 1,690 Imazapic >2,150>5,000 Imazapyr >5,000 Triclopyr amine >10,000 2,574 Triclopyr ester 9,026 1,581 Caffeine 192 Acute Toxicity The lower the number, the higher the toxicity (i.e., it takes a smaller amount to cause toxicity)
Herbicide Behavior in Soil Root UptakeHalf-life Mobility Glyphosate None47 daysBound Hexazinone High90 daysHigh Imazapic Moderate120 daysModerate Imazapyr High daysModerate Triclopyr Low30 daysModerate