NRC Study on Prospects for Inertial Confinement Fusion Energy Systems Presentation at Fusion Power Associates Annual Meeting December 1, 2010 David Lang, Study Director
Origin of the Study DOE Science, NNSA, & NE Want guidance on long-term roadmap for an IFE system Interim report to inform near-term direction DOE supporting the study 12/01/20102D. Lang
Structure 12/01/2010D. Lang3 Main Committee Writes interim and final reports 21 experts from many fields Provides parameters to ICF Target Physics Panel ICF Target Physics Panel 6 experts in target physics, chair will report to Committee Access to classified information Reports to Committee via regular internal progress reports and other means
Statement of Task (1) The [main] committee will prepare a report that will: Assess the prospects for generating power using inertial confinement fusion; Identify scientific and engineering challenges, cost targets, and R&D objectives associated with developing an IFE demonstration plant; and Advise the U.S. Department of Energy on its development of an R&D roadmap aimed at creating a conceptual design for an inertial fusion energy demonstration plant. The Committee will also prepare an interim report. 12/01/20104D. Lang
Statement of Task (2) 12/01/2010D. Lang5 ICF Target Physics Panel Access to classified information Will inform the main Committee on target physics issues “Assess the current performance of various fusion target technologies. Describe the R&D challenges to providing suitable targets on the basis of parameters established and provided by the Committee.”
Committee membership: Charles Baker, UCSD, ret. Roger Bangerter, LBNL, ret. Riccardo Betti, U. Rochester Jan Beyea, CiPI Robert Byer, Stanford Franklin Chang-Diaz, Ad Astra Rocket Co. Steven Cowley, UK AEA *Ronald Davidson, Princeton David Hammer, Cornell Joseph Hezir, EOP Group *Gerald Kulcinski, U. Wisconsin Kathryn McCarthy, INL Lawrence Papay, PQR LLC Kenneth Schultz, General Atomics Andrew Sessler, LBNL John Sheffield, U. Tennessee Thomas Tombrello, Caltech Dennis Whyte, MIT Jonathan Wurtele, UC Berkeley Rosa Yang, EPRI Adrian Zaccaria, Bechtel 12/01/2010D. Lang6 * Co-Chair
Panel membership 12/01/2010D. Lang7 We envision expertise in these fields to be present: target physics plasma physics ICF physics materials science & chemical engineering computational physics analytical codes
Notional Schedule 2010 Dec in Washington, DC: 1 st cmte meeting 2011 Panel and further cmte meetings Summer: interim report issued 2012 Spring/Summer: prepub version of report released 12/01/2010D. Lang8
Thank you 12/01/2010D. Lang9