19575 Diploma of Hairdressing
Ambition in Action Diploma of Hairdressing Salon Management Petersham TAFE
Ambition in Action The Diploma of Hairdressing Salon Management develops skills and knowledge in small business management and salon supervision through a combination of work based activities and off the job learning. This Course is directed at existing and intending salon owners and managers in the Hair and Beauty industries.
Ambition in Action Part-time 1 Semester 1 night per week Nominal hours are 354 hours Through gaining RPL (recognition of prior learning) and depending on the students learning ability the hours may be reduced resulting in early completion. Flexible Correspondence Length Of The Course
Ambition in Action TAFE recognises the skills and knowledge you have gained through previous studies and work experiences. There is a process that you will have to go through to apply for RPL. If you wish to apply for RPL your teachers will assist you with the process Recognition Of Prior Learning
Ambition in Action Plan the business activities of the salon Monitor and manage the business activities Monitor and respond to Customer requirements Promote the salon and its services At the completion of the course learners will be able to:
Ambition in Action Provide team leadership and supervision to the staff of the Salon Develop and monitor systems to ensure the efficient functioning of the salon Develop and implement the OH&S system for the salon Select and recruit staff
Ambition in Action To achieve the qualification learners must complete All 6 compulsory units in Group 1 and All 4 elective units in Group 2 The Diploma of Hairdressing Salon Management has a course structure of 10 Units. One group of 6 compulsory units in (group 1) and one group of 4 elective units (group 2)
Ambition in Action BSBSMB406A Manage small business finances WRHSM501A Manage Hairdressing Service and Sales Delivery WRHSM502B Promote a Hairdressing Business SIRXOHS003A Provide a Safe Working Environment SIRXHRM002A Recruit and Select Personnel SIRXMGT003A Lead and Manage People Group 1 Compulsory Units
Ambition in Action BSBCUS501A Manage Quality Customer Service BSBFRA501B Establish a franchise operation BSBSMB404A Undertake Small Business Planning SIRXHRM001A Administer Human Resources Group 2 Elective Units
Ambition in Action Implement Strategies for Management of Finances Legal requirements for keeping financial records Procedures for receipting cash Effective financial record keeping Review Strategies for Management of Finances Cash flow / Petty cash Performances measures Manage Small Business Finances
Ambition in Action Source documents Accounts receivable / debtors ledger – Accounts payable / creditors ledger Monitor Strategies for Management of Finances Bank reconciliation Cash flow / Petty cash Performances measures
Ambition in Action Maintain and improve hairdressing services and sales delivery Maintain and Improve salon turnover and profit margin Manage contingencies Negotiate the supply of product Co-ordinate staff training and support Provide a harmonious and productive working environment Manage Hairdressing Services and Sales Delivery
Ambition in Action Develop marketing strategies Determine a marketing mix for the business Implement marketing strategies Monitor and improve marketing performance Promote a Hairdressing Business
Ambition in Action Duty of care OH&S laws explained Getting started with OH&S OH&S policies Staff Consultation Assess and Control Risks Train Staff Establish and Maintain Record Systems Provide a Safe Working Environment
Ambition in Action Hiring the right staff Defining Future Staffing Requirements Job description Interviewing Managing staff Performance and appraisals Recruit Staff Assess and Select Applicants Full-time, part-time or casual Recruiting methods eg. Advertising Recruit and Select Personnel
Ambition in Action Lead the Team, Lead by Example Delegate responsibility Motivating staff, Feedback and rewards Managing poor performance - Develop Self Develop and Communicate Team Objectives Establish, Develop and Improve Teams Consult With the Team Support The Team Team management Leadership qualities, traits, styles Lead and Manage People
Ambition in Action Ensure delivery of quality products and service Services are Delivered and Maintained to Standards Agreed By The salon and Clients Salons Customers Service Policies Salons Customers Service Procedures Codes of Practice Problem Solving Decision Making Strategies Monitor, adjust and report customer service Legislation Manage Quality Customer Service
Ambition in Action Research feasibility of establishing a franchise operation Plan for establishment of a franchise operation Implement plan for establishment of a franchise operation Review implementation process Establish a Franchise Operation
Ambition in Action Identify the Elements & Purpose of a Business Plan Write Organisational Goals Research Data Required for Organisational Planning Perform a S.W.O.T. Analysis Describe the Organisation’s Proposed Structure Describe the Organisation’s Marketing & Sales Requirements Undertake Business Planning
Ambition in Action Describe the Organisation’s Product/ Operational Strategies Describe the Organisation’s Possible Specialist Service Providers Identify & Develop Organisational Risk Management Strategies Describe the Organisation’s Financial Viability Present a Written Business Plan
Ambition in Action Implementing Staffing Levels Monitoring Staff Performance Identifying and Minimising Potential Industrial Relations Problems Developing and Implementing Training Plans Communicate two-way information and ideas Administer Human Resources
Ambition in Action Building and maintaining effective relationships Managing difficulties to achieve positive outcomes Developing trust and confidence Actively monitor and evaluate team outcomes Participate in team formation and planning Contribute to and manage team performance