The Neolithic Revolution a.k.a. Stop Chasing The Food
What was life like before the Neolithic Revolution? Paleolithic Era (Stone Age) Tools from stone, small clans, nomadic, hunting-gathering Neolithic era…new technology Human history changes…starts in Southwest Asia-Middle East!
What technology changed it all? Domestication of animals Ability to tame and breed animals Some animals are domesticable
Some are not
Domestication of Crops Plant seeds on purpose, less gathering Grains: millet, barley, wheat, rice Fruits, and vegetables
When and where did this happen? Around 8,000 BCE (before the common era or B.C.) Along river valleys of Euphrates and Tigris Rivers….culturally diffused from there!
So what? Who cares? I do You should. It’s on your exam. History is forever changed. Humans harness nature and become powerful. Star the next slide!!! Big finish…
Impact of Neolithic Revolution= Civilization! Food supply grows= population grows… clans to tribes to village First cities /civilizations develop by 3,000 bce (rivers) Specialization of jobs/social classes…hunter, smith, potter, weaver, priest, chief/leader More inventions …record-keeping/writing, wheel, metal Structures built, organized religion
Still not caring? It explains why some groups became powerful empires. 7 Degrees of Social Studies You have an essay on Friday!