The Emergence of Civilization Prehistory
Exploring Prehistory Anthropologists- Study skeletal remains to see what early people looked like and how they lived. Donald Johanson-”Lucy” 3 million years ago Mary Leakey- 3.7 million years ago Archaeologists- study their artifacts and determine how they lived and what their culture was like.
Paleolithic Age-Old Stone Age Glacier climate Hunter-gatherers Nomadic Cave Paintings Technology: –Tools of stone, bone and wood –Fire –Later…Bow and arrow, fish hooks
Cave Paintings Lascaux in France
Mesolithic Age- Middle Stone Age New environments developed Many large animals became extinct- smaller game hunted Fishing Beginning of agriculture Some permanent settlements Technology: Tools developed for specific tasks Stone sickles
Neolithic Age- New Stone Age First towns and cities appear Advent of writing- History begins Produce their own food Animals domesticated Agricultural Revolution Technology: Made baskets and pottery Wove cloth Bronze and then Iron Age Invention of the wheel and the Sail Irrigation Plow and ox teams
Four regions of first civilization Nile River Valley- Egypt Tigris and Euphrates Valley- Iraq Indus River Valley- India Huang or Yellow River Valley- China
Map of first civilizations
Characteristics of civilization People are able to produce a surplus of food People establish cities and town with some form of government People perform different jobs Advent of the calendar A writing system
Hieroglyphics- Early Writing
Assignment 5 paragraph argumentative essay- Explain how any country, other than the United States, is a civilized society based on 2 of the 5 characteristics of civilization. Must include one paragraph on how they are not civilized.