The Research Process
1. Problem Identification Identification 2. Hypothesis Formulation 3. Review of Related Literature 4. Research Design Preparation 5. Actual Experimentation 6. Data Collection, organization, and processing 7. Analysis and interpretation of processed data 8. Formulation of Conclusion
Selecting a Research Topic CriteriaYes/No 1. Is the problem interesting? 2. Will the research contribute to the solution of socio-economically important problems? 3. Will the research generate new information? 4. Is the research novel? 5. Do I have the skills or knowledge necessary to conduct the research or can I learn them within the time I have? 6. Is the research feasible in terms of: a.Time required to finish the research? b.Expense involved in conducting the research? c.Availability of materials for experimentation? d.Accessibility of materials for experimentation? e.Risks and hazards involved in conducting the experiment 7. Is the research reproducible?
Identification of Problem Things to remember: Statement must be clear. Scope and limit of the study must be defined. Variables involved in the study are specified Significance of the study must be identified. Back
Formulation of Hypothesis Things to remember: Hypothesis must be testable Must be based on the objectives of the study. Used as a guide in doing the experimental design. Forms of Hypothesis – Null statement – Alternative statement – Cause and effect statement Back
Review of Related Literature Things to remember: Ensures that there is no duplication of studies (unless there is a need to validate the findings with more advanced detection and measuring techniques) It is helpful to have an outline before writing an RRL Make sure that sources are cited properly Back
Preparation of Research Design Things to remember: Serves as the work plan for the research investigation. Specifies the sources as well as how these sources will be utilized. Systematizes the experimentation process “A valid research design is the basis for the validity of the entire research.” Back
Actual Experimentation Things to remember: Implementation of the research design “An experiment is an activity that generates observations or data which, upon processing and analysis, result to the solution of the research problem or generate further studies.” Back
Data Analysis and Interpretation Things to remember: Facilitates analysis of data. Uses graphs, tables, charts and other statistical tools. Back
Formulation of Conclusion Things to remember: Summarizes the significant results of the experiment. Ends the research but also suggests future questions left unanswered in the course of the investigation. Back