Rosie & Sierra
food Potawatomi Indians ate tobacco,squash,corn,melons,peas, and beans. It looks like they had a healthy diet.
shelter Wigwams were made of bark and baby trees. P.S we think it would’nt be comterbule and would hard to sleep.
Natural resources They had fields, crops, water, and trees it looks like natural resources.
clothing Potawatomi native americans wore dear skin and fur for clothing, men wore breeches clothing and deer skin leggings & shirts and moccasins, they also wore robes in the winter, they also wore leather head bands. we did a indian with a deer skin dress.
climate/weather They had the same weather as we do now.
Interesting facts The potawatomi were the middle child of the three fires.
reasorces Clip art Mrs.knopers class blog