By: Jessica and Mollie
The Potawatomi had to make there own food. They ate Pants such as Grass, Bark and more. They also eat meat. Some of then kill the animals so they came have there skin, fur and more. They also eat vegetables such as beans, lettuce and also vegetables that grow on trees.
Potawatomi people had to make there own clothes because back then they did not have clothing store like they do today. They used animal skins and there fur to make some of there clothing. In the summer the men wore red and blue clothing in the summer mouths. In the winter they would put on decorated buffalo robes on to keep them as warm as they possibly could. The women wore animal skin dresses and even sometimes buffalo skins. For special accessions they would ware things with beads and butifful decorations.
The Potawatomi natural resources are some what similar to some of areas. They are water, Food, meat, and animals. They used these for food for dinner, lunch and breakfast.
Where the Potawatomi weather sometimes was good and sometimes was bad. They had rain, snow, sun, slit and also thunder storms. When there was thunder storms they had to be prepared with there homes ready for shelter.
Potawatomi Nation travled into The great lakes area many many many years ago. They also travled to Wisconsin area and the northside of north America and south america. Potawatomi tribe travled to a lot of places for war and other things espeshily when other tribes take over there land they have to move.
The potawatomi lived in long houses,they also lived in tepees, houses made of straw and more. The houses and shelter keep then warm and some safe in war. They put sharp sticks around the house to keep enimes and animals out.
The potawatami tribe settled in different parts of michigan. They also settled in wisconson areas.
Native american art is very rare to find in Youre back yard. Native american art is usaly found in museames.