Clouds Weather and Climate Day 5
Clouds Objectives Today I will be able to: __________clouds based on __________and ______________.
Clouds Yesterday we learned about how is lifted to form clouds, today we are going to learn about the different types of clouds and how they are classified. Clouds are classified based on their ____________(shape) and ___________.
Clouds Cloud types by FORM There are ________basic forms of clouds. All other clouds one of these three or are combinations or modifications of them: 1.____________________ 2.____________________ 3.____________________
Clouds by Form 1.Cirrus (cirrus = “_________”) are clouds that are high, white, and _________.
Clouds by Form 2.Cumulus (cumulus = “________”) are clouds that consist of _______________ individual cloud masses.
Clouds by Form 3.Stratus (stratus = “_______”) are clouds best described as __________________ ________________________________.
Clouds Cloud Types by HEIGHT 1.High Clouds – “________” 2.Middle Clouds – “__________” 3.Low Clouds – “______________” Most cloud names are a combination of cloud type by form and by height.
Cloud Types and Precipitation 1. High Clouds Cirrus clouds are high, white, and ______________. Cirrostratus clouds are flat layers of clouds. Cirrocumulus clouds consist of fluffy masses. 2. Middle Clouds – “______________” Altostratus clouds are uniform white to gray sheet _______________the sky with the sun or moon visible as a bright spot. Altocumulus clouds are ___________. They are larger and denser than cirrocumulous.
Cloud Types and Precipitation 3. Low Clouds Stratus clouds are best described as _____ ____________________________________. Nimbostratus clouds are the main precipitation makers. - “_________” means “_______________” Stratocumulus clouds have a rounded bottom. Cumulonimbus clouds cover low, middle and high heights. These clouds are often associated with ______ ___________________________
Cloud Classification
Check In Questions 1.How are clouds classified? 2.Which cloud type is best described as sheets or layers that cover much or all of the sky? 3.Which term is used to describe clouds of middle height? 4.Which type of cloud means “rainy cloud”? 5.Which clouds are associated with thunder and lightning?
Clouds Lab Create a “sky” full of clouds! Using the diagram on p. 519 as a guide, use the cotton balls and chalk to create your sky. You must have the following labeled in your sky: High Clouds: Cirrocumulus Cirrostratus Cirrus Middle Clouds Altocumulus Altostratus Low Clouds Nimbostratus Stratus Stratocumulus Cumulus Cumulonimbus Earth’s Surface