Corey burke, susan kim & alexia marrache COal Corey burke, susan kim & alexia marrache
COAL Definition: Coal forms from organic material that decays and experiences pressure and heat for millions of years. Since coal forms from organic material, it is referred to as a “fossil fuel”. How It Is Used: The process to generate energy from coal involves mining the coal, then transporting, cleaning and burning it. Water heated by burning coal converts into steam and generates electricity.
Positive effects of using coal as an energy source This energy source reduces the U.S.'s reliance on foreign fuel sources and provides jobs to Americans. The U.S. contains 25% of the world's coal reserves, which could provide more energy potential than all the known recoverable reserves of oil. Using power plants, the U.S. Department of Energy plans to reduce, or even eliminate the air and water pollution making the energy source must more “green”.
negative effects of using coal as an energy source Coal production requires great amounts of water, which can negatively affect the habitats of both aquatic and land-based wildlife as well as people who use these water resources. The process of burning coal for energy produces greenhouse gases and other harmful pollutants, most notably, carbon dioxide. Coal mining operations radically alter local ecosystems and wildlife habitats, by introducing roads, clearing trees and removing large sections of land.
Historical problems associated with using coal Although using coal as an energy source provides Americans with jobs, the jobs can sometimes be very dangerous. The most dangerous job associated with obtaining coal is mining. Mining operations can be very hazardous. Each year hundreds of coal miners lose their lives or are seriously injured. Major mine hazards include roof falls, rock bursts, and fires and explosions. Additionally, when flammable gases trapped in the coal are released during mining operations there can be explosions.
3 Uses of Coal Electricity Iron/Steel Concrete Power generated from coal creates about 40% electricity. A machine turns heat from burning coal into boiling water which then spins a propeller. It then turns into electricity. Iron/Steel Coke, a high carbon fuel is made from coal. About 70% of steel is created from coke. IT is then burned and melted to remove contaminants from ore during the production of iron and steel. Concrete Concrete is a material used to build that is made with cement. Coal is heated to make cement.
Recent Problems Associated With Coal Air Pollution: Coal power plants often emit sulfur dioxide, nitrogen oxides, and heavy metals which leads to smog, acid rain, and toxins in the environment. Climate Change: Due to the emission of CO2 in the air, coal is a huge contributor to the global warming phenomenon. Coal fires: Fires occur in abandoned coal mines and coal waste piles. These fires emit about 40 tons of mercury into the atmosphere annually. Methane: Coal mining is responsible for 10% of methane released into the atmosphere. Waste: The waste of coal runoffs into the water, polluting water sources.
Solutions Many of the problems associated with coal can be solved by using clean coal technology. It has been proven to reduce emissions of greenhouse gases. Techniques to create clean energy would include: chemically washing minerals and toxic wastes from coal, gasification, and treating the flue gases with steam to remove sulfur dioxide.