Podcasting in a Nutshell By Jenny Abnett
The Definition of Podcasting Podcasts are audio based presentations. These recordings are distributed over the internet. To be played back on portable media players and computers. Or any other device capable of playing back mp3 files (mobile phones).
What’s good about it? “Today’s digital kids think of information and communications technology (ICT) as something akin to oxygen: they expect it, it’s what they breathe, and it’s how they live.” John Seeley Brown
The Advantages Don’t need the latest computers or sophisticated IT knowledge. Don’t require fast band connection. Don’t have to be online to play files. Files are of a reasonable size. Can share them with friends legally. No restrictions about classroom play. Much easier to make and edit than a video! Can take them with you. They’re free! Don’t need the latest computers or sophisticated IT knowledge. Don’t require fast band connection. Don’t have to be online to play files. Files are of a reasonable size. Can share them with friends legally. No restrictions about classroom play. Much easier to make and edit than a video! Can take them with you. They’re free!
What you need Digital Recorder Windows Movie Maker iTunes or another programme that will collect podcasts and play them. i.e. garageband. Speakers, headphones. (Optional) ipod or similar digital audio player. A web server. A blog to share and inform (optional).
Instructions for kids You will need a computer or ipod. Have your script ready to read. Open a new Garageband project on the computer, choose male or female voice and press record. Don't worry if you make mistakes. You can go back and edit it later. Once you are done, open the podcasting software program & add features such as pictures or background music. Save it and make sure you put in your name, age and a description of your podcast. Put your podcast on the server or publish them to Room 9's webpage. Go to share. Send podcast to iweb. Bon Chance! I hope you get some good feedback.
Organization Allow time to show how to podcast. Give the students a clear purpose. Small groups is best, or pairs. Arrange for a quiet pullout room (at least for recording. Allow time to practise scripts and podcasting. Allow time for muffed lines,multiple takes. Not a one session activity!
Options to Internet Play in class. Morning announcements. Play at school showcases. Have an audio centre for self study. Distribute to parents on CD.
Reasons for my Research How does podcasting enhance student’s learning of a new language (French)? Hands on-Students learn by doing. Sense of control, immediate publishing & feedback. Promotes interaction. Enhances classroom community. Inspires self-reflection. A scaffold for learning and mentoring. Can be part of a digital portfolio (on a Blog). If published it may motivate students to improve. Incorporates conversation & cooperation. There is a clear purpose. It’s fun!
Will podcasting enhance students’ learning of a new Language? I’ll let you know in Term 4?!!!!!