Outline this presentation Tokyo Metropolis in Japan Outline of our institute Air quality in Tokyo Scope of our research related air pollution Other Scope of our research
Tokyo Metropolis Population 12million Japan Area377,835km 2 Population 127million Administrative organ 47 prefecture-level governments Approx.2000 city-level governments
Outline of Tokyo Metropolitan Research Institute for Environmental Protection Established in 1968 Provide scientific knowledge for environmental policy in Tokyo Organization –Planning and Management Division –Fundamental Research Division –Applied Research Division –Analytical Research Division
Air quality of Tokyo Environmental Standard of Ambient Air SO 2 Sulfur dioxide CO Carbon monoxide NO 2 Nitrogen dioxide SPM Suspended particulate matter OxPhotochemical oxdants Monitoring at 47 general stations and 35 road side stations
Air quality of Tokyo SO 2 CO Annual average concentrations
Air quality of Tokyo NO 2 SPM Annual average concentrations
Air quality of Tokyo Ox Annual average concentrations
Scope of our research related to air pollution Evaluation of automotive exhaust gas reduction technologies Development of diesel particulate filter Analysis of Ox increasing Monitoring of VOCs Evaluation of VOC treatment equipments
Evaluation of automotive exhaust gas reduction technologies Measurement of exhaust gas from a large-sized vehicle
Development of Diesel particulate filter
Analysis of Ox increasing Annual average concentrations NOx NMHC Ox
Monitoring of VOCs (Volatile organic compounds) Automated Monitoring System for Air Pollutants
Evaluation of VOC treatment equipments
Other Scope Studies on Urban heat island Analysis of Dioxins and PCBs and Low- Level Hazardous Chemicals Effects of wastewater inflow on water quality in Tokyo Bay Research on Wastes and Landfill Noise, Vibration and Odour
Studies on Urban Heat Island Increasing rate : 3 ℃ / 100years *Global warming :0.6 ℃ / 100years
Studies on Urban Heat Island Map of measurement spot for temperature and humidity
Studies on Urban Heat Island Rooftop greening Surface temperature by Thermograph Rooftop greening to reduce the heat island phenomena
Analysis of Dioxins and PCBs High-Resolution Gas chromatograph Mass Spectrometer Dioxin Extraction
Effects of wastewater inflow on water quality in Tokyo Bay COD distribution in Tokyo Bay Field survey in Tokyo Bay
Research on Wastes and Landfill The central-breakwater landfill site
Evaluation method of noise, vibration and odour Measurement of vibrationMeasurement of odour
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