A German Tiger Tank that was taken over by the Americans Being Passed by a American Sherman tank. Written by John Pimlott
On June 6 th 1944 the biggest air and sea invasion. The Allies lost 10,000 troops on this day. The day was named D-day. The sea was difficult to invade. The 2 nd Rangers went in first and machine gun nest open fired. The air invasion was the night before it was also difficult. When the Allie planes went into Normandy the planes went down and most blow up and the 101 st airborne and 82 nd airborne were scattered all over Normandy. They missed their drop zone. Then they kept pushing back the Germans. When they got to the Ardennes area that’s when it started.
The Battle of The Bulge was Hitler's last offense attack on the Allies. The Battle’s real name was Battle of Bastone. The attack was at the Ardennes region in Belgium and Luxembourg. The Germans surprised the American front line and pushed them back. A German Unit advancing past A blown up American Halftrack Adolph Hitler, The Leader of Germany
The Americans were not supplied right. The 101 st airborne had little ammunition and did not have the right clothing to be fighting in the winter. Dwight D. Eisenhower was the supreme Commander of the U.S. army. General Patton was a general for the U.S. A Young U.S. solider General Patton General Dwight D. Eisenhower
The Battle really surprised the American forces. They were expecting to walk right through Bastone but what they saw was a bigger deal then what they thought. First When they got to the town there was a open field they had to cross. An American Anti-tank gun. American soldiers digging foxholes. M-26 armored tank. German Soldiers digging graves for the Americans. American soldiers watching the line with 30 cal.
They knew that they had to cross it fast and hard. When they got close, German 30. Cal. Open fired. Then allies had to hide behind big Hay stacks. Then the Germans started to use 88mm. Booms were going of every where and there were high casualties. The allies had to pull out fast. The Germans didn’t stop. They followed them and split them into two. A German Anti-airplane watching a battle in the sky.
The allies were spilt up and confused. Their leader had them dig in and make fox holes. The fox holes were for protection from artillery And from German infantry. German Artillery Foxhole Two men of the 101st airborne watching the front line with a 30. cal.
A German soldier. American soldiers that surrender at Bastone. A B-17 bomber in flight. A picture taking in an airplane dropped by B-17 bombers.
American P.O.W. killed by the Germans and unburied. American solider watching the road for tanks with a rocket launcher. German soldiers looking where to go.
After three weeks of bomb shells and sitting in there fox holes the allies were going to try to take the town again. First they lined up on the tree line. Then 105mm M3 Howitzer opened up fire the Germans now were surprised. The Colonels blew their whistle which told the men to charge. They had to do this fast before German artillery could fire. They took the town of Bastone. They didn’t stop there. They kept going after the Germans.
The Germans now pulled all there troops back to the Fatherland. The men who were at Bastone would now set up along the Rhean River. The Rhean River was the last thing standing in their way to Berlin. If they could cross the Rhean they would have a wide open road to Berlin. American Soldiers taking shelter. American soldiers walking throw Bastone. 101 st On a patrol.
The Germans Lost a total of 120,000 They were killed, wounded or captured. The American lost 800,000 They were killed, wounded or capture.
Men Fighting. A German tank blown up. Two German POW’s Who are in the Hitler youth. These boys could be 10-14