Trait Theory
What is a trait? Trait- people’s characteristic behaviors and motives How do we measure personality? Personality Tests/ Body Type?
William Sheldon Endorph (plump) :relaxed and jolly mesomorph (muscular): bold and physically active ectomorph: (thin): high strung and solitary Modest correlation Evaluate: Whats wrong with this theory?
Personality Inventories Minnesota Multiphase Personality Inventory-most widely used personality test 10 clinical scales (anxiety/overactive, social 15 content scales (work attitudes, anger, family problems) Lie Scale Evaluate: Do employers use more self report or peer report?
Big 5 Test evaluates 5 different characteristics (extraversion, stability, openness to new things, agreeableness, conscientiousness) Traits 50% inherited Apply to all cultures! bigfivequiz2.htm
Eysenck Personality Questionairee Factor analysis= cluster of items tap basic components Eyesenck Extraversion vs Introversion Emotionally Stable vs. Instability
Homework 1) Read by Friday (concept Synthesis) 2) Answer the following questions in a well written paragraph. 1) Evaluate the trait theory. Do you agree with it? What are its strengths and weaknesses 2) Read pages Compare your evaluation to that of David Myers. What are some things you agreed with? Disagreed with? (make sure to also explain the person-situation controversy and consistency of expressive style)