October 07-11, 2013Ankara - Turkey1 COMENIUS PROJECT COMENIUS PROJECT Comenius Project Rigths make no differences: citizenship education Rights make no differences: citizenship education Teacher: Colella Fulvia Istituto Comprensivo Montemiletto (Italy)
October 07-11, 2013Ankara - Turkey2 COUNCIL NOTICES FROM EUROPEAN UNION INSTITUTIONS AND BODIES Comenius Project Rigths make no differences: citizenship education Council conclusions of 12 May 2009 on a strategic framework for European cooperation in education and training. THE COUNCIL OF THE EUROPEAN UNION AGREES that: 1.In the period up to 2020, the primary goal of European cooperation should be to support the further development of education and training systems in the Member States which are aimed at ensuring: (a) the personal, social and professional fulfillment of all citizens; (b) sustainable economic prosperity and employability, whilst promoting democratic values, social cohesion, active citizenship, and intercultural dialogue.
October 07-11, 2013Ankara - Turkey3 Italian national school curricula September 5 th 2012 Italian national school curricula September 5 th 2012 Comenius Project Rigths make no differences: citizenship education SchoolSociety Bind local/global Plurality of cultures Educational experiences Educate to the awareness of interdependence Transmit traditions and national heritage Foster partnership and integration between cultures Educate to an united and plural citizenship
October 07-11, 2013Ankara - Turkey4 Purposes of the schools of the first cycle (6-14) Comenius Project Rigths make no differences: citizenship education Fostering the full development of the person Elaborating the sense of his own experience Practicing consciously active citizenship 10 Learnig the basics of culture
October 07-11, 2013Ankara - Turkey5 Citizenship education Comenius Project Rigths make no differences: citizenship education Legality Day In our school Republic Day Visit to the European Parliament European Day School competitions Comenius Project Christmas show Year-end performances
October 07-11, 2013Ankara - Turkey6 Teachers’ tasks Comenius Project Rigths make no differences: citizenship education Citizenship education is transversal to all the disciplines; teachers of every subject must activate to: give the students tools to interact with different cultures, relating them with his own. practice equality and recognizing differences; avoid that differences turn into inequality; remove the barriers that block the full development of the human being and the participation to an active citizenship.
October 07-11, 2013Ankara - Turkey7 Comenius Project Rigths make no differences: citizenship education Thank you for your attention !
October 07-11, 2013Ankara - Turkey8 Society and School Comenius Project Rigths make no differences: citizenship education “Everyone in his daily experience must take in account more and more numerous and different information and confront himself with the plurality of cultures”. “In his educational and existencial itinerary students interact with different cultures without having suitable tools to understand and relate them with his own”. [National Curricula, pag. 15 ] Bind local/global Plurality of cultures School
October 07-11, 2013Ankara - Turkey9 Society and School Comenius Project Rigths make no differences: citizenship education Educate to the awareness of interdipendence “The educational system must form citizens able to participate consciously to build up wider and heterogeneous communities both national, european and worldwide”. [Indicazioni curricolo, pag. 19] School
October 07-11, 2013Ankara - Turkey10 Society and School Comenius Project Rigths make no differences: citizenship education Educate to an united and plural citizeship “Our school, besides, must form Italian citizens who are at the same time European and worldwide citizens” [Indicazioni curricolo, pag. 21] School
October 07-11, 2013Ankara - Turkey11 School of the first cycle Comenius Project Rigths make no differences: citizenship education [Indicazioni curricolo, pagg ] “Citizenship education is promoted through maeningful experiences able to leearn the concept of looking after himself, after other people, after the enviroment and that produce forms of co-operation and of solidarity “. Practicing consciously active citizenship