1 E.N.S.A GENERAL ASSEMBLY 2010 Madrid Valencia 31 May - 4 June “Welfare models to boost social inclusion in the framework of the EU 2020 strategy” Michele.


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Presentation transcript:

1 E.N.S.A GENERAL ASSEMBLY 2010 Madrid Valencia 31 May - 4 June “Welfare models to boost social inclusion in the framework of the EU 2020 strategy” Michele Maglio General Director Social Services Luigi Bertinato Director Office for External Affairs Department of Health & Social Services

2 For new members: what is ENSA ? A network of Public Authorities from more than 13 countries founded by the Veneto Region in 1999 Objectives : To encourage international co-operation, mutual understanding and exchange of knowledge, and experiences within the field of social services; To foster transnational projects; To raise awareness of regional and local social issues within the European Union; To deepen and broaden the dialogue concerning social issues within the European Union.

3 E.N.S.A THEMATIC NETWORKS 2009 Elderly: Leader Helsinki Youth: Region of Madrid Disabled: Leader Conseil Général du Val de Marne Childood: West Sweden - Valencia Inclusion: Leader Veneto Lavoro

4 General report of activities 2009/ General Assembly held in Helsinki and Talinn Focus on : “innovative and creative social care for an inclusive society” Strategies for the 5 working groups: - Disability focus on accessibility- work on study cases - Elders focus on Long term care- Demographic changes - Child focus on children rights- child protection-violence prevention-ICT in schools- unaccompanied minors-child poverty - Inclusion focus on- valorisation of migrants human capital - Youth focus on excluded youth/developing youth potential

5 General intiatives involving the ENSA network (2) In addition to the reports that will be presented by the thematic coordinators: Participation in OPEN DAYS seminar “addressing the crisis through skills and inclusion, local and Regional responses” Leader Stockholm Region/ Deputy Veneto Region Joint Elisan/Ensa collaboration

6 General intiatives involving the ENSA network (3) In collaboration with Elisan network: Alzheimer call for award in the field of social services (+ Fondation Médéric Alzheimer) Conference on the Social dimension of territorial cohesion in Europe- 27 October 2009 COR- Supported by EU year for combating poverty and social exclusion

7 General intiatives involving the ENSA network (4) In collaboration with EPR – European Platform for Rehabilitation: Progress application funded “Prometheus” Subject: the quality of Social Services of General interest

8 In collaboration with Eurochild: Ongoing exchanges in the ENSA child thematic group. Developing meetings in conjunction with Eurochild annual conference- Orebro November? General intiatives involving the ENSA network (3)

9 General intiatives involving the ENSA network (5) International conference with the support of the EU, in the framework of the European Alliance for families European Regions conference on reconciliation between family and professional life Abano- 28,29,30 January recommendations at national and European level International events:

10 General intiatives involving the ENSA network (5) Collaboration with the SIRG: Social Inclusion Regional Group on 5 themes: 1. Child Poverty 2. Inclusive Labour Market 3. Quality of Social Services 4. Equality and non discrimination 5. Financial exclusion

11 ENSA FUTURE SUGGESTIONS Work with European years: 2010 European Year for Combating Poverty and Social Exclusion the Focus of this year General Assembly 2011 European Year for volunteering collaboration with Flanders and the European Volunteer Center- Open days Fringe event-Brussels 5 October anticipate work on European year of Active ageeing and intergenerational solidarity

12 General intiatives involving the ENSA network (6) Open Days 2010: Participation of ENSA and Elisan on seminar “competitive territories promoting social inclusion” Consortium led by Barcelona- Brussels 5 October WORKSHOPS: Workshop 1: How do inclusion policies reinforce competitiveness? Workshop 2: How does competitiveness contributing towards inclusion?

13 ENSA FUTURE SUGGESTIONS Continue collaboration with European Networks: Elisan, SIRG, EPR,Eurochild Elisan: selection of best practices data base on social innovation contribution to annual congress (15, 16/11/2010) under Belgian presidency- COR and study visits Coutrai- Lille get ready for next alzheimer call for award Elisan could circulate to ENSA members notes about the most important dossier discussed at EU level Feedbacks from ENSA working groups in order to bring suggestions for position papers to the Elisan

14 ENSA FUTURE SUGGESTIONS EPR- European Platform for Rehabilitation: The ENSA members appoint a delegate to participate and report about the EQRM (European Quality for Rehabilitation Mark) Awarding Committee Continuing the pilot experience of the EQUASS System: European Quality in Social Services.

15 ENSA FUTURE SUGGESTIONS SIRG: Continue the collaboration with SIRG into the SIRG the European year of Volunteering Identifying EU calls to finance the network Considering registration fee for the attendance of the General Assembly meeting/thematic groups to the benefit of hosting region -West Sweden proposal

16 ENSA FUTURE SUGGESTIONS Regular exchanges with the Employment and Social Affairs Commission of the European parliament Work with the impact of 2020 strategy for Local and Regional authorities

17 Conclusions: positive results Welcome to 8 new members! Oslo: Sagene district, Karnten, Flanders, Castellon, Extremadura,Puglia, Florence, Central Sweden Projects applications: Progress “Quality care for Quality Ageeing”- Leader Veneto Progress “Prometheus” (Quality of Social services)- Leader EPR Leonardo “Design for All” (accessibility/disability)- Leader VdMarne Youth in Action “open door” (excluded youth)- Leader Veneto Youth in Action “Friends Beyond Border” (disability)- Leader Veneto Lifelong Learning :Grundtvig/Multilateral Project “D-ACTIVE”- disability. Leader Florence Daphne “Friends on line” leader West Sweden safe use of internet- dissemination model within ENSA Fundamental rights and citizenship" Increasing Roma people's participation and citizenship rights: Campaigns and Tools Series of international/Regional/local events and study visits.

18 Conclusions Congratulations to the 5 thematic coordinators: Conseil Général du Val de Marne, Helsinki, Valencia, West Sweden, Madrid and to all of you ENSA active participants Challenges : Economic crisis- unemployment Fight against poverty Financing social services- access to services Demographic changes Possible responses, social innovation through: Active ageeing Stimulating volunteering- a better use of civil society engagement- Support to family policies Stimulating youth employment/skills Enhancing quality care- quality of life

19 Thank you for your attention! Till next year … Michele Maglio Director Veneto Region Social Services Luigi Bertinato Director Office for External Affairs