Three World’s First World –US and its allies Second World –USSR and its allies Third World –Countries not assigned to 1 st or 2 nd world
Three Worlds Renamed Following the Cold War and forces of Globalization and Fragmentation Advanced Democracies Communist and Post Communist Developed and Developing Countries
Political Dimensions Civil Liberties –Freedom of belief, speech, and assembly Rule of Law –Provided for equal treatment of citizens and due process Neutrality of the judiciary –Checks on the abuse of power Open civil society –Allows citizens to lead private lives and mass media to operate independently from government Civilian control of the military –Restricts the likelihood of the military seizing control of the government
What Political Institutions does Large-Scale Democracy Require? Elected officials Free, fair, and frequent elections Freedom of expression Alternative sources of information Associational autonomy Inclusive citizenship
Signs of Legitimacy In place for along time Social Capital –Amount of reciprocity and trust exist among citizens Guarantee –Participation –Competition –Liberty
Modernism Set of values that come along with industrialization
Values of Modernism Secularism: non-religious Rationalism: reasoning Materialism: value objects and possessions Technology: advancements Bureaucracy: Freedom: rather than collective equality Industrialization: make money/gain success
Post-Industrialization (post-modernism) Set of values that emphasizes quality of life over concern material gain –Preservation of the environment –Promotion of health care –Promotion of education
Advanced Democracies Est. Democratic political system Operate under a stable government Long standing democratic tradition –European Countries
Supranational Organizations European Union: –Movement toward integration of countries –Integration Economically –Politically??? –Encourages cooperation among nations NAFTA: –Binds US, Mexico, and Canada –Narrower integration goals than the EU
What Political Institutions does Large-Scale Democracy Require? Elected officials Free, fair, and frequent elections Freedom of expression Alternative sources of information Associational autonomy Inclusive citizenship
All democracies and republics throughout 25 centuries…..the rights to engage fully in political life were restricted to a minority of Adults: MEN.
Why the institutions are Necessary? In a unit as large as a country, these political institutions of polyarchal democracy Necessary to satisfy the following democratic criteria Elected representativesEffective participation Control of the agenda Free, Fair, and frequent electionsVoting equality Control of the agenda Freedom of expressionEffective participation Enlightened understanding Control of the agenda Alternative InformationEffective participation Enlightened understanding Control of the agenda Associational AutonomyEffective participation Enlightened understanding Control of the agenda Inclusive citizenshipFull inclusion
Modern Political democracy is a system of governance in which rulers are held accountable for their actions in the public realm by citizens, acting indirectly through the competition and cooperation of their elected representatives
Democracies Differ Consensus Participation Access Responsiveness Majority Rule Parliamentary Sovereignty Party Government Pluralism Federalism Presidentialism Checks and Balances
What Democracies are Not More efficient economically More efficient administratively More orderly, consensual, stable, or governable More open economies Bring economic growth, social peace, administrative efficiency, political harmony, free markets, “end of ideology”