B y : W i l l i a m D e l a n e y R a c h e l E l l i s C a t h e r i n e G r e e n A l l i s o n H u d s o n J e a n e t t e O v e r m a n W h i t n e y W h i t s o n W h a t i s a L e a d e r ? A T BS
OUR TEAM QUOTE: “A leader is someone who takes you places you could not have reached on your own.” - James Morgan CEO of Krispy Kreme
TEAM TABS DEFINITION OF A LEADER A leader is an individual who: Leads by example Sets attainable goals Handles conflict within the group Encourage group interaction Helps the team grow Takes the team to places they could not have gone alone Is respectful of the individuals in the group to gain the trust and respect of the group
TRAITS OF A LEADER IN ADDITION TO THE OBVIOUS NEED FOR CONFIDENCE, A LEADER MUST HAVE THESE TRAITS... Courageous -Crucial trait to have when dealing with adversity -Ability to handle the outcomes of your decisions-- no matter what they may be Strong Motivator -Give employees the drive to achieve -Ability to inspire employees to not only reach, but master their goals Risk-taker -Indispensable trait when it comes to being a leader -Even if results are not assured, they cannot be afraid to get in there and get started
RISING LEADERS Leaders are born every day!! Quarterback on the football team President of the debate club Member of the NYLC
Leaders now how to learn from mistakes to create positive futures Good leaders use positive reinforcement Good leaders care about their employees Obama the inspiring leader The Obama who appease his opponents The confident and bold Obama commanding congress A successful leader can adapt to switching between all styles of leadership!!
1.Focus on the user and all else will follow. 2.It’s best to do one thing really, really well. 3.Fast is better than slow. 4.Democracy on the web works. 5.You don’t need to be at your desk to need an answer. 6.You can make money without doing evil. 7.There’s always more information out there. 8.The need for information crosses all borders. 9.You can be serious without a suit. 10. Great just isn’t good enough. Ten things Google Inc. knows to be true: Values
Leaders throughout History Abraham Lincoln ( ) Paved the way for abolition of slavery Environment of learning Communication Shared success & failure
Walt Disney ( ) Valued teamwork Set the standard for Entertainment Lead by example Willing to take risks
Oprah Winfrey (1954–present) Motivate People Vision Values
CONCLUSION Leads by example Professionally speaks their mind Takes initiative We have all experience both good and not so good leaders Our everyday experiences are shaping our leadership styles
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