~ACT:4 SCENE 1~ a street in verona. Benvolio and mercutio part of the montague. Mercutio was upset at tybalt because he insulted Romeo. Romeo refuses to fight tybalt. Mercutio and tybalt start to draw their swords and fight against each other. Romeo tries to stop it. Tybalt killed mercutio in the fight. Romeo fights tybalt(Juliet's cousin) in a sword fight and kills tybalt for killing his cousin(mercutio).
~ACT:4 SCENE 2~ Later that day in the Capulet’s Orchard. The nurse tells Juliet that Romeo is a bad person, and she need to marry Paris. Juliet cries and very upset because she is worried about Romeo for killing tybalt in a sword fight. Juliet doesn’t really care for tybalt death because she is worried about Romeo safety and that Romeo is her love.
~ACT:4 SCENE 3~ Later in Friar Lawrence’s cell. Romeo talks about death with friar. Romeo says that he is getting punished for what he have done.Romeo just wanted to get revenge for what happened with his cousin. Romeo also notice that he is not aloud back in the Capulet’s territory, or he will get his head cut off with an golden ax.
~ACT:4 SCENE 4~ Later that night Capulet and Paris talks. Paris talks about winning Juliet heart and marring her. Paris thinks that if Romeo killed tybalt in a sword fight, maybe Juliet wouldn’t marry Romeo because of her cousin death.
~ACT:4 SCENE 5~ Later that night, just before daybreak. Capulet’s orchard and, above Juliet room. Romeo and Juliet are happy to see each other cause he is not aloud in the Capulet territory. Juliet cries and kissing him, she tell Romeo why? Why? She would do such thing he did.Juliet tells Romeo that she would never leave him cause she love him to death. Juliet and her mother lady Capulet talks about her marrying Paris and that the marriage will be held Thursday.