Accounting Final Project Angela Beckey Nathan Fisher
Company overview Overall, the company is very healthy and profitable 2.69 current ratio 25.3% profit Margin Alpha division needs most help
Alpha Division Alpha Division has good current ratio of 2.31 Division weaknesses: 46% debt ratio is rather high, which may hurt borrowing for expansion 6.1% profit margin needs help
Beta Division Beta Division is a strong performer 2.36 current ratio 31.7% debt ratio (good for borrowing during expansion) Strong profit margin of 15.4% Division weakness: Accounts receivable turnover ratio of 4.42 indicates that division needs help with collection
Gamma Division Gamma division is top performer: 4.48 current ratio 14.4% debt ratio (we may want to use this good credit to expand this division) Accounts receivable turnover indicates debts are collected timely 50.5% profit margin is incredible!