How do I begin a Research Project?
Research? What is it and how do you make sure you use your resources wisely? A good research paper should have between 3-4 resources cited A good research paper should have a Bibliography A good research paper should follow APA or MLA format You should never plagiarize a paper – Make sure you know what source you used – write the information for the author, title, Research Database or Website down so you can refer to it later for your Bibliography Make sure you follow the Teachers Rubric for a Good Research Paper
What sources should you use? Primary Sources – what is a primary source? Someone’s direct research, an autobiography, a science paper written by the researcher, a dialogue by someone on their life or work. Written Research or papers written directly by the author A Research Database that is in your library or another library Suggested websites given to you by your teacher
Start with simple resources Where could you start? Library Catalog for your High School or Public Library EBSCO Science and Discover from iCONN Possible Trendy Magazines or Newspapers BOOK CATALOG COLLECTIONS Catalogs from Local, State and E-Book Resources to supplement National Libraries to find the University High School of Books, etc. in their library Science and Engineering collections library collection TEACHER ASSIGNMENTS FOR THE CURRENT MONTH
Check out the Hartford Public School databases
Make sure you cite your sources correctly
How do I begin my research terms? I am looking for disciplines of engineering other than chemical, civil, electrical or mechanical and association with these fields. KEYWORDS Engineering discipline description and not chemical or electrical or mechanical or civil Engineering Civil Mechanical Electrical Chemical
But we also need to know what the discipline of these engineering fields are also Engineering discipline of chemical or civil or electrical or mechanical and association with other disciplines. TERMS CHEMICAL ENGINEERING OR ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING OR MECHANICAL ENGINEERING OR CIVIL ENGINEERING AND ENGINEERING DISCIPLINES CHEMICAL ELECTRICAL MECHANICAL CIVIL OR AND
Sweet search
Qualifications that all engineers have in common
CI Pre-Research Worksheet Foreign Issue Begin the Pre-Searching Analysis Search with Peripheral Vision 1. What UNIQUE WORDS, DISTINCTIVE NAMES, ABBREVIATIONS, or ACRONYMS are associated with your topic? Mahmoud Ahmadinejad Tehran 2. Can you think of societies, organizations, or groups that might have information on your subject via their pages? National Security Council International Atomic Energy Agency U.S. Department of State Washington Institute for Near East Policy U.S. Department of Defense
RUBRIC Quality of Sources 5 Exceptionally 4 Effectively 3 Adequately 2 Inadequately 1 Unacceptably Score VARIETY of RELEVANT SOURCES Choose a varied selection of sources to inform you writing. I have selected and cited a full range of currently available, relevant sources that are varied in content. I have selected and cited close to a full range of currently available, relevant sources with some variety in content. I have selected and cited an adequate range of currently available, relevant sources with some variety in content. I have selected and cited a few currently available, relevant sources with little variation in content. I did not select and cite a variety of currently available, relevant sources. X 1 RELIABILITY of INFORMATION Utilize the best research to inform your writing. I used only authoritative sources. I used mostly authoritative sources. I used some authoritative sources. Most of my sources are not authoritative. My sources are not authoritative. X 1 Accuracy of MLA Citation 5 Exceptionally 4 Effectively 3 Adequately 2 Inadequately 1 Unacceptably ORGANIZATION of WORKS CITED LIST Follow current MLA guidelines to cite research. All content and formatting of my Works Cited List is correct. Most content and formatting of my Works Cited List is correct. Some content and formatting of my Works Cited List is correct. Little content and formatting of my Works Cited List is correct. The format and content of my Works Cited List is incorrect. X 1 USE of SIGNAL PHRASES and/or PARENTHETICAL REFERENCES Make appropriate choices in citing research within your writing. I cited all sources correctly within my essay. I cited most sources correctly within my essay. I cited an adequate number of sources correctly within my essay. I cited few sources correctly within my essay. I did not cite sources correctly in my essay. X 1 Quality of Writing: CONTENT 5 Exceptionally 4 Effectively 3 Adequately 2 Inadequately 1 Unacceptably Double Scores. IDEAS Take a clear critical stance (thesis) or position and support your stance with sound reasons. Address key objections to your stance. My position is well supported with sound reasons, and the support for each reason is well developed. I answer to a key objection to my position. My well defended ideas compel the reader to act. I have sound reasons and answer an objection, but my essay would be stronger with even more support for my reasons to make my argument more compelling. I need to answer to an objection to my position and provide more support for my reasons. There are missing points in my argument. I need to further develop my reasons and offer more support to make my essay convincing. I need to answer an objection. I need help understanding how to effectively support a position. X 2
What other online sources are there? E-books and how to find them Audio Books Google Scholar Google Books World Digital Library (Listen to the information) nventors&qla=en
Domain Names What does the URL (Web address) say about the producer of the web site, and its purpose? Look at the final syllable in the domaindomain Country names appear as a two-letter abbreviation in the domain name. For a complete list, go to Domain Name Registries around the World.completeDomain Name Registries around the World New domain names,.info, among others. Read more about them at InterNic FAQ on Domain Names.InterNic FAQ on Domain Names
What does the end of the website designate?.gov = Government Agency = Internet Service Provider: = Commercial = = Higher education = Military site – = Organization, may be charitable, religious or a group or
Objectivity in websites Objectivity Environmental tobacco smoke and tobacco related mortality in a prospective study of Californians, Environmental tobacco smoke and tobacco related mortality in a prospective study of Californians, Does the content reflect a bias? Is the bias explicit or hidden? Does the identity of the author or sponsor suggest a bias? How does the bias impact the usefulness of the information?
What do you think the view would be for Reynolds Tobacco Company?
Websites should be Accurate and Free of Bias Don’t take the information presented at face value Web sites are rarely refereed or reviewed, unlike scholarly journals or books Look for Point of View Evidence of Bias Currency – Look to see when the website was last updated