Spectrometer Solenoid Fabrication & Testing Update Steve Virostek Lawrence Berkeley National Lab MICE CM25 at RAL November 6, 2009
Steve Virostek -- Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory -- November 6, 2009 MICE Spectrometer Solenoid Fabrication and Testing Update Page 2 MICE Cooling Channel Layout Spectrometer Solenoid #1 (reassembly under way) Spectrometer Solenoid #2 (modifications under way)
Steve Virostek -- Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory -- November 6, 2009 MICE Spectrometer Solenoid Fabrication and Testing Update Page 3 Topics Magnet cool down Magnet training HTS lead burn out Current status Thermal modeling Technical review 2 nd magnet progress Electronics racks Upcoming task schedule
Steve Virostek -- Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory -- November 6, 2009 MICE Spectrometer Solenoid Fabrication and Testing Update Page 4 Magnet Cooldown & Training A leak had been found in one of the cold mass vent lines during cooldown and was repaired in June ’09 In early July ‘09, the magnet had been successfully cooled down, and training had begun (5 quenches during training ranging from 182 to 238 amps) An HTS lead burned out, preventing completion of training Lead failure caused by inadequate cooling at upper end Several additional tests were performed at lower current using the intact leads (match coils) Magnet turret was disassembled to access leads
Steve Virostek -- Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory -- November 6, 2009 MICE Spectrometer Solenoid Fabrication and Testing Update Page 5 Magnet Cooldown Transfer line for LHe cooldown 500 liter Lhe dewar
Steve Virostek -- Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory -- November 6, 2009 MICE Spectrometer Solenoid Fabrication and Testing Update Page 6 Magnet Quench during Training
Steve Virostek -- Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory -- November 6, 2009 MICE Spectrometer Solenoid Fabrication and Testing Update Page 7 Magnet HTS Leads Burned out 500 A lead
Steve Virostek -- Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory -- November 6, 2009 MICE Spectrometer Solenoid Fabrication and Testing Update Page 8 Current Status A repair and modification to Magnet 2 has been proposed which includes the addition of a single stage cryocooler to provide additional cooling to the HTS leads A thermal model of the magnet is under development by LBNL to better understand the cooling mechanisms and heat loads A magnet lead test is being carried out by Wang NMR to measure all relevant temperatures and voltages during operation A MICE Technical Review of the Spectrometer Solenoid design and proposed modifications has been organized for Nov. 18 at LBNL Preparation for re-assembly of Magnet 1 is under way – this includes the addition of a 4 th 2-stage cooler port to the cold mass
Steve Virostek -- Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory -- November 6, 2009 MICE Spectrometer Solenoid Fabrication and Testing Update Page 9 1 st Stage Area after Lead Removal
Steve Virostek -- Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory -- November 6, 2009 MICE Spectrometer Solenoid Fabrication and Testing Update Page 10 1 st Stage Area after Lead Removal Cryomech AL330 1-stage cooler Thermal link HTS leads
Steve Virostek -- Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory -- November 6, 2009 MICE Spectrometer Solenoid Fabrication and Testing Update Page 11 Thermal Shield Model FEA model of thermal shield, 1 st stage plate and HTS leads Proposed magnet modifications are also being modeled
Steve Virostek -- Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory -- November 6, 2009 MICE Spectrometer Solenoid Fabrication and Testing Update Page 12 Magnet Lead Test HTS lead 1 st stage plate Thermal connection
Steve Virostek -- Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory -- November 6, 2009 MICE Spectrometer Solenoid Fabrication and Testing Update Page 13 Cryocooler Flange Feedthrough Flange vacuum port Vacuum feedthrough for temp. sensors
Steve Virostek -- Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory -- November 6, 2009 MICE Spectrometer Solenoid Fabrication and Testing Update Page 14 Magnet 1 Cold Mass Added port for possible 4 th 2-stage cooler
Steve Virostek -- Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory -- November 6, 2009 MICE Spectrometer Solenoid Fabrication and Testing Update Page 15 Parts for Magnet 1 Reassembly
Steve Virostek -- Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory -- November 6, 2009 MICE Spectrometer Solenoid Fabrication and Testing Update Page 16 Power Supply Racks 3 ea 300 A and 2 ea 60 A supplies Discharge switches Discharge resistors
Steve Virostek -- Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory -- November 6, 2009 MICE Spectrometer Solenoid Fabrication and Testing Update Page 17 * These step are only required if the initial modifications to Magnet 2 are unsuccessful Schedule Overview