Christine Fournier I3N Coordinator 6 th IABIN Council Meeting Bayahibe, Dominican Republic July 14, 2009
20 active countries National Leads in each country Capacity building through grants and training for sharing data Coordinated by the US Geological Survey (USGS)
18 governments supporting national I3N leads BioNET Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) GEKKO/Universidad del Sur (Argentina) Global Invasive Species Information Network (GISIN) (Denmark, Argentina, Great Britain, Malaysia, China, Morocco, Zambia, New Zealand, Germany, USA) Guyra Paraguay (Paraguay) InBio (Costa Rica) Institute of Jamaica (Jamaica) The CBD “… welcomes the ‘I3N’ … and calls on the Global Environment Facility, Parties, Governments, and relevant organizations to support and participate in these initiatives” (Decision VI/23) Instituto Horus, CRIA (Brazil) Integrated Taxonomic Information System (ITIS) IUCN Invasive Species Specialist Group (ISSG) Global Invasive Species Database (New Zealand) National Biological Information Infrastructure, U.S. Geological Survey, USAID, US State Department (USA) NatureServe TNC South America Invasive Species Program
Country Invasives Database Content building grants Tools for Decision Making Training workshop module Water Hyacinth V. Dalke
Tools for creating/exporting/displaying standardized databases invasive species lists, characteristics, experts, projects Information standards and guidance Bilingual search tool for national inventories Cross-country search and display (beta) Internet hosting of national inventories and publications at no charge Content-rich bilingual web site Listserv Concepts/informatics training module Spanish, English G. Wilburn Zebra Mussel
Microsoft Access 2000 and Web interface (templates for countries) Converting to Open Source in 2009 (PHP and MySQL) Add marine fields and terminology Add integrated mapping tool and quality control Spanish, Portuguese, and English versions Detailed user manuals Controlled vocabulary (GISIN, GISD) Integrated Taxonomic Information System (ITIS) as taxonomic authority Dublin Core Metadata Standard XML export function for exporting data to other databases
Supports prevention, early detection, and control Based on 28 criteria in 3 categories Uses I3N controlled vocabulary Enables governments to determine management priorities based on I3N data Results can be used in national IAS strategies, reports and policy development
Workshops Venezuela - Panama - El Salvador - Guatemala - Honduras Websites in Development Bolivia Chile Dominican Republic El Salvador Peru Venezuela Joel Rotunda Lionfish
Invasive Species Port Learning Network UNEP Biosafety/Biosecurity Project Seeking other collaborative opportunities to grow the network and apply data in decision making Japanese Honeysuckle Z. Sutherland
I3N Coordinator Christine Fournier I3N Tools Representatives Silvia Ziller Sergio I3N-US Lead Annie Simpson Purple Loosestrife J. Forman Orth