Chapter 25 Picasso, Cubism, Futurism, and Related Twentieth-Century Styles
Study of a Torso, After a Plaster Cast, 1893/1894 (@ 13 yrs old) First Communion, 1895/96
Self-Portrait with Palette, 1906 Pablo Picasso, Gertrude Stein, 1906. Oil on canvas, 39 3/8" x 32". Self-Portrait, 1907 detail
Above: Mask from the Etoumbi region, People's Republic of the Congo Above: Mask from the Etoumbi region, People's Republic of the Congo. Wood. n.d. Below: Iberian sculpture c. 3rd - 6th century BCE Pablo Picasso, Les Demoiselles d'Avignon, 1907. Oil on canvas, 8’ x 7’ 8".
Cezanne, Rocky Landscape at Aix, 1887 Cezanne, Rocky Ridge Above Chateau Noir, c.1904, oil on canvas, 25 5/8x21 1/4"
Analytic Cubism 1907 - 1911 Georges Braque, Violin and Pitcher, o/c, 1909-10 Pablo Picasso, Accordionist, o/c, 1911
Artist: Georges Braque Title: Violin and Palette Medium: Oil on canvas Size: 36 X 16" Date: 1909-1910 Artist: Pablo Picasso Title: Ma Jolie Medium: Oil on canvas Size: 39 X 25" Date: 1911-12
Pablo Picasso, Head of a Woman (Fernande), bronze, 1909. Picasso, Portrait of Ambroise Vollard, o/c 1910
Synthetic Cubism 1912 through the 1920s Collage - introduced in 1912 Pablo Picasso, Man with a Hat, after December 3, 1912. Pasted paper, charcoal, and ink on paper, 24 1/2" x 18 5/8" Braque, Fruitdish and Glass, 1912. Pasted paper, charcoal, and paint on canvas
Synthetic Cubism 1912 through the 1920s Picasso, Three Musicians, 1921. Oil on canvas, 6' 7" x 7' 3 3/4". Picasso, Still Life with Bowl of Fruit, 1913. Mixed media (collage)
Fernand Léger, The City, 1919. Oil on canvas, 7’ 7" x 14’ 9 1/2" Piet Mondrian, Broadway Boogie Woogie, 1942-43. Oil on canvas, 50” x 50”
Constantin Brancusi Mademoiselle Pogany, Version I, 1913, after a marble of 1912. Bronze, 17 1/4" high The Kiss, 1912, stone Bird in Space, 1928, bronze
Kazimir Malevich, Composition with the Mona Lisa, c. 1914 Kazimir Malevich, Composition with the Mona Lisa, c. 1914. Graphite, oil, and collage on canvas, 24 3/8" x 19 1/2" Stuart Davis, Lucky Strike, 1921. Oil on canvas, 33 1/4" x 18".
Futurism Umberto Boccioni. Unique Forms of Continuity in Space, 1913. Bronze (cast 1931), 43 7/8" x 34 7/8" x 15 3/4". Giacomo Balla, Dynamism of a Dog on a Leash, 1912, oil on canvas
Marcel Duchamp, Nude Descending a Staircase, No. 2, 1912 Marcel Duchamp, Nude Descending a Staircase, No. 2, 1912. Oil on canvas, 4' 10" x 2' 11".
Aaron Douglas. From Slavery through Reconstruction (from the series Aspects of Negro Life), 1934. Oil on canvas, 5' x 11' 7"
Pablo Picasso, Guernica, 1937. Oil on canvas, 11' 5 1/2" x 25' 5 3/4"
Early 20th Century Architecture Walter Gropius, the Bauhaus Workshop, 1925-26 (Dessau, Germany)
Le Corbusier, Villa Savoye, 1928-30 (Poissy-sur-Seine, France)
Frank Lloyd Wright, Robie House, Chicago, 1909
Frank Lloyd Wright, Fallingwater, Bear Run, Pennsylvania, 1936