By: josh Korper
Diagnosis This condition occurs in about 1 in 1,000 newborn boys. Five to 10 boys with 47,XYY syndrome are born in the United States each day. This shows up as (47,XYY). A small percent of males with XYY syndrome have autistic spectrum disorders. 47,XYY syndrome is caused by the presence of an extra copy of the Y chromosome in each of a male's cells. This is not inherited it is brought up at random.
Symptoms/effects Having XYY syndrome doesn’t cause any medical problems or any unusual physical features. Men with XYY are known to have more violent behavior due to the higher level of testosterone but this can be avoided if caught early. Most men with this have all normal male parts and can have children.
Treatment There is no treatment yet because it doesn’t show in the looks of a person. The recommend that you have a stimulating home life because having XYY syndrome causes more stress.
Current research They found that people with XYY syndrome are more aggressive and because they have more testosterone. As far as there lives changing they just get more stressed out. They have 47 chromosomes when normally you have 46.
Story Ted was born with XYY syndrome, a chromosomal disorder, and here she provides, with extraordinary candour, an account of her life as the single parent of a special needs child. If I walked into my son Ted's bedroom right now and I was on fire, I know what would happen. He'd ask me if he could watch TV. And last year, when I had my hair cut short and went to pick him up from school, he burst into tears and told me I looked ugly. But for the past ten years that's how it's always been with Ted. 'An uneven cognitive profile, social interaction and communication problems, difficulties with fine and gross motor skills,' doctors call it. I call it bloody hard work. I was a tick-tocking 38 when I found out that I was pregnant for the second time. My daughter Molly was 11 and I had been a single parent since shewastwo. I thought this would give me the family I had been longing for. I'd been in a somewhat tempestuous relationship with Ted's father for 18 months. My pregnancy went well until a routine 18-week ultrasound scan when it was discovered that my baby, a boy, had a hole in the heart and a lump on his brain. The doctors call these early deformities 'soft signs' that something might be wrong with a baby's development, and if they detect more than one, they need to investigate. It was a Friday when a sample of blood was taken from my baby's liver for tests, and after a terrible weekend of waiting, my obstetrician said: 'It's all right, it's only XYY syndrome.' And that was it in terms of medical explanation. They said I could have a termination if I wanted to, nobody would blame me. With a frantic bit of digging - this was before the internet was so widespread - I found Unique, a charity for those with chromosomal abnormalities. They explained that with XYY syndrome, one of the characteristics was that my son was likely to be very tall and emotionally immature, but not genetically programmed to become an axe murderer. I didn't find out anything that would justify killing this baby I already loved, so I decided to keep him. A quick biology lesson for you: chromosomes are the structures inside our bodies that carry our genetic information. Babies are normally born with 46 chromosomes; 22 pairs are identical in boys and girls, but the remaining pair consists of two X chromosomes in girls, and an X and a Y chromosome in boys. Occasionally, a child is born with 47; if the extra chromosome is a Y chromosome a boy is born with XYY syndrome. This has nothing to do with the parental age, health or ethnicity. It's not inherited, it's an accident at conception. XYY babies are born within the normal ranges for height and weight, but between the ages of 12 to 14 they grow about four inches a year. The average height for a British man is 5ft 10in, while for an XYY man it is 6ft 3in. They may be slower to learn to speak, although most catch up with the help of speech therapy. Puberty is reached later than normal but fertility levels fall within the normal range.
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