Menus and Window Screens in Blender David Ault Adrian Kirts Jarron Sledge
The Space Menu Open by pressing the space bar This is it
Options The Space menu allows you to: – Search for missing files – Add new objects – Create parent/child relationships – Join objects – Import objects – Or use any other Blender command you could need – There are 200+ commands you can use by using the space menu
Context Sensitive Menus Some menus only available in certain situations Specials menu (W) key is only available in a 3d window while in edit mode While using Blender, remember what mode is on so you know which hotkeys work
Panel Uses Panels can have multiple menus grouped together on them making for easier location of tools
Panels This is a panel
Panels contd. Panels can be scrolled, zoomed in/ out or moved They can also be collapsed by clicking the solid black triangle on the left side of their header
Toggle Buttons Toggle buttons are a bunch of tick boxes
Addons Addons (add-ons) are mini programs that can be downloaded and used on Blender Addons can include: Curve Character, Mangle Tools, Orphan Cleanup, Random Face Color, and Particle Tracer
How to install an addon Open the space menu Search addons Select install addons
Cascade Buttons Some buttons reveal additional buttons Ie: the ramps panel has a button called ramp reveals additional buttons dealing with colorbanding
Window Screens and Layouts Default screen shows 4 windows – 3d view, object tools, timeline and outliner Animation – Allows you to make objects move Compositing – Combine different parts of scenes Game logic – Create controls to your game Scripting – Make objects perform certain actions UV editing – Insert pictures and graphics
Screen selectors
Adding a new screen Click the add button(+) and a new frame layout and a new frame layout will be created based on your current layout. You don’t have to name all the screens if don’t need to.
Add screen
Deleting screens The person is able to delete a screen by using the delete data block button(X).
Rearranging a layout screen Use the window controls to access the frame borders, split and consolidate windows. When you find a layout that you like, please press CtrlU to update your user defaults. Be careful as all the current scenes become part of those defaults.