Andrew Spivey, Tejas Mehta, Blake Rollins Team WDC
* Custom made, some downloaded * Designed in Blender, 3ds Max
* Written in C# * Controllers for: * Enemy alligators * Animating/Executing swing * Ball collision with water * Ball collision with “hole” * Input for main character
* Sinking the putt * How to get the ball into the hole... easily * Created a trigger zone that allows for some error in the putt. * The trigger, when triggered, loads a new scene (animation clip, the next hole, etc). * Not an actual cup – just a rendering of a cup.
* Differentiating golf clubs * How to make each club perform differently ? * Adjust the script(s) to change the amount of force when the club contacts the ball. * This will allow us to only create one golf club model, but still simulate a full set of clubs.
* February – design and build all models. * March - write and apply scripts to game objects. * April – debug and finalize game. Present final product. DONE Scripts not 100% finished. Still implementing the swing. Basic game elements finished – flashy elements not finished.
* Implementing a GUI HUD with relevant game status information * Fine tune the physics of the ball * Fix enemy alligator script * Testing/debugging