EU Regulations & Standards on EDS for Cabin Baggage Screening: Meeting the challenges of future Anthony Parker May 6, 2015 Bahrain
What are we trying to Achieve? “On the day that the terrorist attempts to bring a threat through we need to ensure that the security Officer has at their disposal the best tools for the job to make the correct decision” Richard Doney - DfT
Current Process Passenger Cabin Baggage 100% of bags screened for Fully made IED Guns/knives Other prohibited items Small percentage screened for explosives 100% Passengers automatically screened for some threats Random percentage screened for rest of threats 1st September 2015 – ETD permitted.
Pre 9/11 Security threat picture Biggest threat from Hijacking Available technology Single view x-ray for operator image analysis WTMD and hand search for passengers Use of ETD on The security process and use of technology perfectly matched the threat picture of the time
What is the Threat now? Post 9/11 Terrorist Attacks on Aviation targets 2001 Shoe Bomber 2004 Chechen Female suicide bombers 2006 Liquid bombs 2009 Underwear bomber 2010 Yemen (cargo) Government Threats office list attack using explosives as main concern – UK DfT are currently undertaking work around this threat TSA EA’s centre around the threat of explosives
Risk Management Perceived probability of attack using explosives is high Severity of an attack using explosives is high Mitigation for threat should be high This slide uses the “Slide” master with an image added in the background
EU Regulation for the checkpoint (187/2015) Legislation coming into effect 1st March will state that cabin baggage must be screened by: EDS equipment Conventional X-ray equipment with a continuous and random percentage of bags rejected for examination with ETD (this percentage being decreased if TIP is used) Conventional X-ray equipment with a continuous and random percentage of bags rejected for hand search (this percentage being higher than that for ETD, and again reduced if TIP is used) EDS standards for Cabin baggage screening will be: C1 is EDS capability with the current procedures of liquids and large electronics out of bags C2 is EDS with large electronics in bags but liquids out C3 is EDS with large electronics and liquids in bags C4 is an aspirational standard with a lower F/A, a wider range of threats with lower threat mass. There was no incentive mentioned for airports to purchase a C4 system
Timeline for introduction of EDS at Checkpoint ECAC to begin testing of systems Q1 2016 On average systems take 3 attempts to pass blind tests Assuming 2 attempts at being tested in Q1 and Q3, first approvals would be announced Nov 2016 Airports would want to run trials before any purchases are made Trials likely to be Q1 2017
Issue laying EDS on top of current process Use of EDS will lead to a higher number of bags being rejected for a secondary search Airports are unlikely to cope with 100% image viewing and opening of more bags Need to consider a process which utilises modern technology to give best chance of detection explosive threat
Current Set-Up
Proposed Set-Up
What is the Detection box A series of algorithms with different functions, these do not all need to be available at the beginning ECAC defined EDS standards Clear Bag algorithms EDS Metallic Shape Recognition Knives Guns Gun components
EU Regulation regarding resolution Attachment 4C – Prohibitive items Dynamite, Gunpowder and plastic explosives are listed as prohibited items for the checkpoint on their own 4.1.9 Where EDS equipment is used, all alarms shall be resolved to the satisfaction of the screener so as to reasonably ensure that no prohibited articles are carried into the SRA or on board an aircraft.
Alarm Resolution Procedures (ARP)
Pay-Offs Regulators: A Measurable increase in detection of the high risk threats Increase in the perception of greater security Can keep one process and change algorithms depending on intelligence Passengers: The convenience of leaving electrical items in their bags For the majority a faster, smoother transition through security
Pay-Offs Airports: Increased throughput (potentially up to 925 trays per hour) Decrease in passenger hassle, increase passenger spend Reduce overall running cost of the checkpoint Reduce staffing levels at non busy times Negates the need for Training for x-ray operatives (NXCT) Continual Training (6*6) TIP libraries and software TIP updates Allows for Flexibility over 20 minute rule
Summary Changes are needed now to focus on the true threats The technology to achieve this exists and is already deployed This can be achieved with “wins” for all stakeholders