Learning with Purpose UMass Lowell: A Public Institution for Innovation & Entrepreneurship Steven Tello, Ed. D. Associate Vice Chancellor Entrepreneurship & Economic Development March 21, 2015
Learning with Purpose How Does A Public University Contribute to Innovation & Economic Development?
Learning with Purpose Discover new technologies that enable new products and new businesses - Research Support inventors and entrepreneurs attempting to create new businesses and industries – Business Incubation Train graduates with the skills required in both established and emerging industries – Education & Training How Does A Public University Contribute to Innovation & Economic Development?
Learning with Purpose New Models for Research & Economic Development Co-location catalyzing innovation & entrepreneurshp
Learning with Purpose Initial $3M commitment with option to grow Share 4 th floor labs in Saab Center Innovative Research: Printed & Flexible Electronics Printed Optical Materials Faculty, Graduate Students & Raytheon Scientists Talent Creation & Workforce Development Raytheon-UMass Lowell Research Institute Flexible Phased Array Antennas
Learning with Purpose Massachusetts Medical Device Development Center M2D2: UMass Lowell, UMass Medical, Entrepreneurs & Industry
Learning with Purpose 11,000 sq ft M2D2 Expansion (adding biotech) 11,000 sq ft Tech Incubator (all industry sectors) $7.5 M investment State & University Target Clients University affiliated ventures Corporate Innovation partners Angel and Venture-backed Companies recruited to region UMass Lowell Innovation Hub Supporting Technology Startups in the Merrimack Valley Opening June 2015
Learning with Purpose A campus-wide effort to introduce creative problem solving, innovation and entrepreneurship to students across all academic disciplines. A chance for students to develop sustainable solutions to world’s challenges and problems An opportunity to apply a UMass Lowell education in a way that makes a difference in the world. DifferenceMaker™: Student-Focused
Learning with Purpose 2014 Idea Challenge 70 applications, 190 Students DifferenceMaker Central, Faculty Fellows, 25 Alumni 2013 Idea Challenge Non-Spec - raised $100K, won 3 national comp. GrabaBite – raised $11K, merged with ClickWaiter Power Trike, Robot Arm joined Sandbox Accelerator DifferenceMaker™ Impact
Learning with Purpose UMass Lowell Entre. Ecosystem
Learning with Purpose Committed to supporting the economic prosperity and vitality of our region Recognizes our commitment to support economic development through: Innovation & Entrepreneurship Technology Transfer Workforce Development Community Development Awarded to 14 institutions across the country in 2014 UMass Lowell An APLU Innovation and Economic Prosperity University
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