The Swedish air emission inventory system Karin Kindbom IVL Swedish Environmental Research Institute Russian-Swedish bilateral cooperation project: “Development of the Co-operation within CLRTAP” Seminar at the International session of "Atmosphere 2011" St Petersburg, March 17, 2011
The Swedish air emission inventory system Karin Kindbom, 17 March 2011 Outline of the presentation The Swedish national system The Swedish air emission inventory system Organisation of work and data handling Quality system Some results Conclusions
The Swedish air emission inventory system Karin Kindbom, 17 March 2011 The Swedish National System Swedish Ministry of Environment overall responsibility Swedish EPA to coordinate and manage the national work of inventory and reporting (GHGs and Air Pollutants) –Annual delivery of inventories to Ministry Swedish Ordinance 2005:626 defines responsibilities for authorities Identified authorities to contribute by calculated or other input data (or review of calculated data) Annual deliveries from authorities are specified: –which data or other information –what quality –when SMED consortium performs inventories under a framework contract with Swedish EPA
The Swedish air emission inventory system Karin Kindbom, 17 March 2011
The Swedish air emission inventory system Karin Kindbom, 17 March 2011 The SMED Consortium Was established in Consists of four independent organizations. Four programme areas: Air, Water, Waste, Hazardous Substances. Has performed the National Greenhouse Gas and Air Emission Inventories since Since 2006, a long-term framework agreement with the Swedish EPA to compile data and documentation for national and international environmental reporting.
The Swedish air emission inventory system Karin Kindbom, 17 March 2011 Requirements and guidelines What is be reported? –Greenhouse gases: CO 2, CH 4, N 2 O, HFC, PFC, SF 6 (UNFCCC, EU Monitoring Mechanism) –Air pollutants: SO 2, NO X, NH 3, NMVOC, CO, particles (TSP, PM 10, PM 2.5 ), metals, dioxin (CLRTAP, EU-NEC) Methods and reporting guidelines –UNFCCC: IPCC Guidelines –CLRTAP: EMEP/EEA Emission Inventory Guidebook Quality system to produce and inventory which is: –transparent, consistent, comparable, complete, accurate
The Swedish air emission inventory system Karin Kindbom, 17 March 2011 Organization of air inventory work Annual inventory project –Lead by a project leading team (one from each organization) –Both greenhouse gases and air pollutants covered within the same system –Common workspace and archive at Work guided by a quality assurance/quality control (QA/QC) system and manual Development projects and improvements, as needed and prioritized by the Swedish EPA
The Swedish air emission inventory system Karin Kindbom, 17 March 2011 Emissions Activity data Emission factors Activity data Emission factors Emissions Activity data Emission factors Methodology Activity data Sources of information/data
The Swedish air emission inventory system Karin Kindbom, 17 March 2011 Data handling All common data and documents are kept and archived at the workspace on the web, accessible to all inventory staff. Confidential input data are archived at each organisation. A technical support system is the master database. It allows for some quality control (QC), as well as archiving and version control.
The Swedish air emission inventory system Karin Kindbom, 17 March 2011 Annual Process of Air Inventory Preparation Data collection Data processing Compilation (reporting tables, inventory reports), SMED internal audit Submission to the Swedish EPA National independent review (GHGs), corrections, suggestions for improvements Swedish EPA submits to the Ministry of Environment Ministry of Environment submits to Conventions and EU International review, suggestions for improvements Improvements
The Swedish air emission inventory system Karin Kindbom, 17 March 2011 Quality system, PDCA-cycle DO PLAN CHECK ACT Quality policy
The Swedish air emission inventory system Karin Kindbom, 17 March 2011 Plan Annual start-up meeting for inventory –time planning –resources –risk assessment –changes/improvements needed? –etc... Activity plan Roles and responsibilities
The Swedish air emission inventory system Karin Kindbom, 17 March 2011 Do: Inventory preparation Work documentation for each type of emission source –(a) Manual for inventory staff –(b) Background information for national independent reviewers –References to Guidelines/other documentation –Describes methodologies/choices of methodology –Describes procedures for data collection and calculations –Includes suggestions for improvements –Describes QA/QC-procedures
The Swedish air emission inventory system Karin Kindbom, 17 March 2011 Check General Tier 1 quality control (QC) according to IPCC Good Practice Guidance chapter 8. QC-checklists Internal audit within SMED External review (national independent review, UNFCCC, CLRTAP)
The Swedish air emission inventory system Karin Kindbom, 17 March 2011 Act: Corrective actions and follow-up Corrections or suggested improvements from QA/QC steps (audit, review) are solved immediately if possible. Required or desirable changes and improvements taken into consideration in the inventory planning procedure, in cooperation between the Swedish EPA and SMED. At a final meeting each year the project is evaluated regarding project organisation, efficiency and quality.
The Swedish air emission inventory system Karin Kindbom, 17 March 2011 Result of all the work National Inventory Report (NIR to UNFCCC) and Informative Inventory Report (IIR to CLRTAP) -Institutional arrangements -Quality assurance and quality control -Key source analyses (basis for prioritisations of future improvements) -Uncertainty analyses -Emission trend analyses -Methodology description and results for all sectors -Recalculations and improvements Reporting tables to UNFCCC (CRF) and CLRTAP (NFR) –Emissions and activity data by source Data are used nationally for policy and follow up Data are used in GAINS-work
The Swedish air emission inventory system Karin Kindbom, 17 March 2011 Emissions to air in Sweden
The Swedish air emission inventory system Karin Kindbom, 17 March 2011 Trend of greenhouse gas emissions in Sweden
The Swedish air emission inventory system Karin Kindbom, 17 March 2011 Conclusions An established system and process important for reliable and complete emission inventories Define data needed and data providers Develop long-term co-operation for data delivery –input to emission inventory –additional data as input for GAINS, e.g cost, scenarios, technologies Develop co-operation with relevant experts –emission factors, technical experts, independent review etc Quality system and plan for improvements Enough resources
The Swedish air emission inventory system Karin Kindbom, 17 March 2011 Thank you for your attention!