Expenditure Monitoring and Tackling money power in elections in UT of Dadra Nagar Haveli
Dadra Nagar Haveli Factsheet Area : sq.Kms Population: 2.20 lakhs as per 2001 census Tribals form 62% of the population, rest migrants and others ( industrial workers) No Assembly, single Parliamentary Constituency Major Political Parties: Indian National Congress and BJP Voting Pattern: traditional and industrial voting behaviour Last Parliamentary election: 2009
Role of money power during elections Hoardings and campaigns Vehicle hiring Fooding and lodgings Buying votes Distribution of motorbikes, scooters, T.V.s mobile phones, washing machines, liquors, etc. Criminal intimidation of candidates or coercion of voters to vote for a particular candidate
Contribution and role of industries Several industrial units in the territory Workers exhibit industrial voting pattern Industrialists and political parties have mutual interests and high degree of collusion Industrialists provide donations and control the voting decision of their workers Political parties protect the interest of the industrialists
How to tackle money power To check the supply side Set up Village Level Vigilance Committee Regular intelligence meetings involving bankers and lead banks to track transactions of unusual amounts Deployment of informers to provide information about distribution of money/gifts, etc. Close watch on mass registration of vehicles, mass purchase of consumer goods Strict check on stock/ disposal of liquor during last 15 days before election
How to tackle money power To check the demand side Regular meetings with responsible citizens, opinion makers, political representatives to discourage use of money power in elections Awareness campaigns during last 30 days through print/ electronic media Organising street shows to highlight ill effects of money power Symposiums on ill effects of money power in elections in schools and encouraging students to discuss with parents and relatives Using women SHGs to educate women voters
Why money power thrives? On the demand side Lure of quick money due to poverty of the tribals Opportunistic attitude of the people Lack of awareness of the ill effects On the supply side Easy way to ensure votes Availability of huge money from industrialists
Consequences of money power Election results prejudiced No free and fair election Results not based on popular vote Leads to criminalization of politics and corruption Promotes consumerism, laziness and anti- socials