WYRE DISTRICT EXPLORER SCOUTS PRESENTS Module B. Taking the lead. Good afternoon.
We are learning to…. 1.Have confidence to undertake a leadership role within your chosen section. 2.Be able to run programme activities as appropriate to your role. 3.Recognise and understand the different leadership styles and when each should be used. 4.Know when to use the range of leadership styles as appropriate. 5.Know your personal preferred style of leadership. 6.Recognise the different styles of leadership on an activity. 7.Understand the process of evaluation, the need for it and implement it as necessary. Now let’s have a little bit of fun! Over to you Neil.
Connect the five learning styles with the five activities. Passive. Democratic or team based. Informal or supportive. Formal or directive. Organiser. Decide on location of camp. Hockey. Preparing tea and biscuits. Design a Young Leader Badge. Lego building.
Were you correct? Passive: The hockey game. Democratic: Name the Young Leader Unit. Formal: Lego building. Informal: Design a badge. Organiser: Tea and biscuits.
Case studies….
Remember the 5 styles… Passive. Democratic or team based. Formal or directive. Informal or supportive. Organiser.
Please collect a factsheet on Taking the Lead.
It is now time for Jes to fumble about with the computer and see if he can get the next Module on the screen. It is now time for Jes to fumble about with the computer and see if he can get the next Module on the screen. This should be fun!
No actually. That’s all for today. Residential training opportunities are coming up in September 2005.