What is a Public Health Assessment? “The evaluation of data and information on the release of harmful substances into the environment in order to assess any past, current, or future impact on public health, develop health advisories or other recommendations, and identify studies or actions needed to evaluate and mitigate or prevent human health effects.” 42 Code of Federal Regulations, Part 90, published in 55 Federal Register 5136, February 13, 1990
Purpose A public health assessment is conducted to determine whether and to what extent people have been, are being, or may be exposed to hazardous substances associated with a hazardous waste site and, if so, whether that exposure is harmful and should be stopped or reduced.
Goals Evaluate site conditions and determine the nature and extent of environmental contamination. Define potential human exposure pathways related to site-specific environmental contaminants. Identify who may be or may have been exposed to environment Examine the public health implications of exposures through the examination of environmental and health effects data. Address implications by recommending relevant public health actions to prevent harmful exposures. Identify and respond to community health concerns and communicate the findings of the assessment.
Factors Nature and extent of contamination Demographics (population size and susceptibility) Pathways of human exposure Health effects and disease-related data
Partners Local Community EPA and DEP Health Assessors Toxicologist Epidemiologist Health Physicist Statistician Health Educator Communication Specialists
Community Participation Informing and educating Involving in planning, implementing, and outreach Collecting community health concerns Gathering information on how people interact with the site Providing opportunities for comments and input Analyzing health outcomes
Findings Describes how people have been exposed to the site or are likely to be exposed to the site Determines whether or not exposures are likely to lead to illness Recommends ways to protect public health
What a Public Health Assessment is NOT A medical evaluation A statement about meeting regulatory standards Does not determine cleanup levels or the method of cleanup Does not evaluate the effects of the site on the environment itself
How is the public health assessment useful? PADOH will work with EPA in filling any critical data gaps identified in the public health assessment The results can tell the community what to expect in terms of their health as a result of the site-specific conditions The report provides information to government agencies responsible for public health protection and to the residents, parents, community leaders, and health care professionals Recommendations may be made to conduct health education activities, pilot studies of health effects, epidemiological investigations, or research on a specific hazardous substance
Community Involvement Public availability sessions Public meetings Stakeholder meetings Site updates Public comment period Final public health assessment
6/05 Community Request Documents Health Professional Education Public Meeting Community Activity /09 Community Open House 4/09 Earth Day Community Cleanup 7/08 Health Consultation & Community Fact Sheet /06 – 1/07 Historical Review & Community Fact Sheet /09 Health Consultation 3/07 Grand Rounds (2) 8/08 Public Meeting 8/11 Cancer Update Factsheet 3/09 Public Meeting /09 Doctor Visits and Patient Poster 9/11 Nurse Association Presentation 2010 Public Health Activities /09 Health Consultation & Community Fact Sheet 8/10 Phase 1 Air Data Review & Spring Cleanup Flyer Monthly CAG Meetings and HERS Workgroup Meetings 2012 Public Health Assessment (planned) 12/10 Nurse Association Presentation 9/09 Grand Rounds 11/11 Senior Center Presentation