MED PROGRAMME – – 2nd call MED PROGRAMME – Lead Partner Seminar – 2nd call Marseille – 26 th May 2010 Gianluca Ferreri, Project Evaluation and Monitoring Officer Joint Technical Secretariat European Territorial Cooperation, MED Programme Main rules for the project implementation: A brief overview on the Subsidy Contract
Reference documents for the partnership: -Subsidy Contract -Partnership agreement -Application Form -Programme Implementation Manual - Programme Fact sheets Every PP shall have a copy!
Useful document for the implementation : Fact sheets: Availables for download here:
Subsidy Contract: Financial issues SC Art. 1.1; 1.2; 1.3Eligibility period SC Art. 2.2 Eligibility rules EU MED Partner State SC Art. 3.3Time frame PR and payment claims SC Art. 3.7; 3.8Decommittment rule
Focus: SC table art. 3.3
Subsidy Contract: Reporting SC art. 3.4 and PA art. 7 Progress Report SC art. 3.3Time frame PR and payment claims SC art. 3.7; 3.8Decommittment rule “If progress report are submitted late, incomplete or unsatisfactory, the reinbursement process will be delayed”
Subsidy Contract: Project changes SC art. 9 and PA art. 6 Always agreed by the partnership Always communicated beforehand 10% flexibility See fact sheet n.16
Subsidy Contract: Information & Publicity SC art. 7 and PA art. 8 Develop a communication plan: What? Why? To whom? For what use? What after? Follow formal obligation: - Programme Med Logo - EU Flag - ERDF mentionning Available for download
Lead Partner principle SC art. 4.1 and followings LP principle
LP principle: in practice The Lead Partner: signs the application form and the Subsidy Contract; Is responsible for the communication towards the programme bodies; Is responsible for the communication within the partnership; Is responsible for the Progress Reports’ contents and ensure that all partners provide the necessary information regarding the drafting and eventual needed integrations to the reports; Receives the ERDF paiment for the whole partnership and has to redirect the partners’ share avoiding any delays.
Thank you for your attention! Good luck! We are looking forward for your results!