Nuclear videos What is radiation? Types of radiation- veritasium Radiation vs radioactive atoms- veritasium Fusion vs Fission
Nuclear Chemistry
Alpha Particles A helium nucleus Contains: 2 protons 2 neutrons Notation: He 4 2
Alpha Particles Move at about 1/10 th the speed of light. Can be stopped by: aluminum foil sheet of paper skin
Beta Particles A fast moving electron (negatively charged particle) formed by decomposition of a neutron. Notation: e n 0 e 1 1 p +
Beta Particles Move at near the speed of light. Penetrate about 100 times greater than alpha particles Can be stopped by: aluminum shield hand
Gamma Ray They are high-energy electromagnetic waves NO mass NO electrical charge Notation: 0 0
Gamma Ray The most penetrating of all the particles. Can be stopped by: Lead shield Concrete
Penetrating Power
Penetrating Power Alpha Beta Gamma
Radioactive Particle ParticlesSymbolCompositionChargePenetrating Power Alpha, He 2 protons 2 neutrons 2+Low Beta, 0 -1 e electron times greater than that of alpha Gamma, 0 0 electromagnetic waves 0Highest 4 2
Alpha RadiationBeta RadiationGamma Radiation αβγ Helium nucleusHigh energy electron He 0e0e 0 γ Cannot penetrate skin Blocked by a thin sheet of plastic or metal Exposure to the body is dangerous Blocked by a sheet of paper Blocked by very dense materials like lead 2 0