What is HDL? A type of programming language for sampling and modeling of electronic & logic circuit designs It can describe the circuit’s operation, design and organization By using CAD tools, it can be used for test and verify through simulations Also used to model the intended piece of device like ASICs, FPGAs CPLDs and others Various kinds : VHDL, Verilog HDL, AHDL etc
3 Why HDL? Software solution due to limits in hardware solutions and to: – Increasing design complexity – Increasing cost in time and investment – Increasing knowledge requirement – Inadequacy of other existing languages Text-based rather than schematic design – faster time-to-market – synthesis and analysis – Documentation
VHSIC Hardware Description Language – VHSIC stands for Very High Speed Integrated Circuit Jointly developed in 1983 by Intermetrics, IBM & Texas Instruments Initially used by the US Dept. of Defence IEEE Standard in 1987 then enhanced and restandardized in 1993 Intro to VHDL
Near-approach to industry – High density electronic design – Multidisciplinary – electronics, microelectronics, communications, instrumentations and control Technology related – Reconfigurable – Actual implementation System Design – System throughput recognition – problem solving ability – debugging techniques Using VHDL as UniMAP’s OBE and PBL
7 VHDL Main Features Timing Dataflow Structure Behavior
8 VHDL Architectures Does not allow a layout description Behavioral Structural Algorithmic FSM RTL Gate Layout Abstraction Levels VHDL Architectures How it works How it is connected
9 A Dataflow Language D ATAFLOW C ONTROLFLOW EX: C language assignment EX: VHDL signal assignment X = A & B; X <= A and B; X is computed out of A and B ONLY each time this assignment isexecuted X is computed out of A and B ONLY each time this assignment is executed A PERMANENT link is created between A, B, and X X is computed out of A and B WHENEVER A or B changes
10 A Dataflow Language (cont ’ d) D ATAFLOW C ONTROLFLOW EX: C language assignment EX: VHDL signal assignment X = A & B; X = C & D; X <= A and B; X <= C and D; YES NO
Behavioral vs Structural Full Adder process (a,b,cin)behavioral begin s <= (a xor b) xor cin; c <= ((a xor b) and cin) or (a and b); end process; -- component declarationstructural component FA port ( inA, inB, inC: in std_logic; Sum, Carry: out std_logic ); end component; -- component instantiation U1 : FA port map : (a=>inA, b=>inB, c=>inC, s=>Sum, c=>Carry);
VHDL WRITTEN FORMAT Library / Package Declaration Entity Declaration Architecture Flow
LIBRARY / PACKAGE DECLARATION Library ieee; Use ieee.std_logic_1164.all; Use ieee.std_logic_signed.all; Use ieee.std_logic_unsigned.all; Use ieee.std_logic_arith.all; Library work; Use work.my_package.entity_name; Use work.my_package.function_name;
ENTITY DECLARATION Specifies the input and output signals of the entity modes : in, out, inout, buffer Format : Entity name is port (port_name : mode data_type); End name;
Rules for Entity Name Any alphanumeric character may be used in the name, as well as the ‘_’ underscore character. It is not case sensitive Cannot be a VHDL keyword Cannot begin with a number, must begin with a letter Cannot have 2 straight ‘_ _’ underscores Cannot end with an ‘_’ underscore Cannot have a blank space
Common Data Type Std_logic data : bit logic, Std_logic_vector (b downto a) or Std_logic_vector (a to b) : array of bit logic – Legal values for std_logic : 0,1,Z,-,L,H,U,X,W – Only the first 4 are used in synthesis Signed, Unsigned Integer Boolean
Example Full Adder A B Cin SUM Cout 4 bit Full Adder A[3..0] Cin SUM[3..0] Cout B[3..0]
ARCHITECTURE The Internal Aspect of a Design Unit Can be behavioral (RTL) or structural Always associated with single entity Single entity can have multiple architectures architecture_name entity_name architecture architecture_name of entity_name is{architecture_declarative_part} begin{architecture_descriptive_part} [architecture_name]; end [architecture_name]; architecture_name entity_name architecture architecture_name of entity_name is{architecture_declarative_part} begin{architecture_descriptive_part} [architecture_name]; end [architecture_name];
Two architecture flavors: Behavioral & Structural architecture TWO of MUX2 is component MX2 -- a macro from a library port (A, B, S:in std_logic; Y :out std_logic); end component; begin -- instantiate MX2 U1: MX2 port map(A=>AIN, B=>BIN, S=>SIN, Y=>YOUT); end TWO; architecture TWO of MUX2 is component MX2 -- a macro from a library port (A, B, S:in std_logic; Y :out std_logic); end component; begin -- instantiate MX2 U1: MX2 port map(A=>AIN, B=>BIN, S=>SIN, Y=>YOUT); end TWO; architecture ONE of MUX2 is begin YOUT <= (AIN and not SIN) or (BIN and SIN); end ONE; architecture ONE of MUX2 is begin YOUT <= (AIN and not SIN) or (BIN and SIN); end ONE; Declarative part Behavioral Structural Descriptive part
ARCHITECTURE DATA OBJECTS 3 kinds of data object : 1.Signal 2.Constant 3.Variable Signal is the most common form of data object used in describing the logic signals (wires) in a circuit The value of an individual signal is described in apostrophes The value of multiple signal is described in double quotes