UML MARTE Time Model for Spirit IP-XACT Aoste Project INRIA Sophia-Antipolis
Outline IP-XACT metamodel overview –Component, Bus definition, Abstraction definition, Design, Abstractor, Generator chain, Configuration UML/MARTE elements reused Structural transformation rules: ATL Behavior and timing
IP-XACT Standard SPIRIT (Structure for Packaging, Integrating and Re-using IP within Tool flows), a consortium of over 50 companies –IP-XACT is the language-independent specification of IP meta-data. –Uses XML syntax to describe structure –Parameterized and configurable components –Communication buses –Memory mappings and address spaces Interoperability between various IPs at different levels of abstraction.
IP-XACT Standard Consists of several concepts/parts: –Component Used to represent individual IPs –Bus Definition Inter-Component communication specific resources –Design Overall integration and connectivity of the system It relies on HDLs to describe IP behavior (SystemC, VHDL, …) IP-XACT designs should also come with –An abstract behavioral description (early functional validation) –A description of timing requirements (early temporal validation)
UML Profile for MARTE Supports modeling of –Application, execution platforms, allocation Its time model can provide –an abstract timed behavioral description At Programmer View (PV) or Communicating Processes (CP) levels –Timing requirements: wave forms (Timing diagrams) Benefits from all tried and tested UML graphical editors –Low development costs, lots of trained engineers
Our proposition Use UML as a modeling framework –UML Profile for IP-XACT based on MARTE Use IP-XACT as an interchange format Generate IP-XACT files from UML Models –Using model transformation Extend IP-XACT with advanced timing capabilities
IP-XACT Structural Aspects
IP-XACT component
Bus/Abstraction Definition
MARTE Hardware Resource Profile Basic support to describe IP-Xact components, but it must be refined for domain-specific applications (e.g. IP-Xact) –VLNV (Version, Library, Name, Vendor) –Wire/transactional ports –Mirrored interfaces, … UML Profile for IP-Xact was built on top of Marte
Example from processor Leon2 Marte HwResource => IP-Xact components Wire ports Transactional ports VLNV Mirrored ports MARTE stereotypes Provided interface Required interface
Bus/Abstraction definition « refine »
Design = composite structure
IP-XACT Behavioral Aspects
IP-XACT Behavior Representation RTL vs. TLM Designs –RTL design, behavior in terms of the flow of signals between hardware registers, and the logical operations performed on those signals. –TLM design, behavior in terms of transactions between functional units. Its fast thus making possible the early simulation and error detection. Currently IP-XACT standard provides partial SystemC and VHDL code files for behavior representation of IP Components. –Not an integral part of the IP-XACT standard. –Code/Simulation mostly addresses RTL behavior.
Comparing RTL and TLM implementations UML/MARTE Timing Requirements in CCSL
Comparing RTL and TLM implementations UML/Marte
Comparing RTL and TLM implementations UML/Marte
Comparing RTL and TLM implementations UML/Marte Timing Requirements in CCSL
Timing Requirements in CCSL CCSL = Clock Constraint Specification Language Example : 1.sel alternatesWith eoa 2.eoa = sel delayedFor 2 on clk 3.twoCycles = sel countFor 2 on clk // timer 4.addr forbidden if twoCycles isActive
Timing Requirements in CCSL
Example: AMBA APB Bridge Timing Specification Diagram –RTL simulation –Alternating read and write patterns (W-R-W-R) One of the behavior abstraction can be the representation of low level Address & Data bus signals in terms of Start and Stop triggers. The time slots, when the transaction is not occurring, are the ones when clock is not present.
APB Bridge Timing Specification
Example: AMBA APB Bridge { // Input Patterns HWClk = clk filteredBy 0b000_ (0); HWs = clk filteredBy 0b000_ (0); HRs = clk filteredBy 0b000_ (0); HWf = clk filteredBy 0b000_ (0); PRf = clk filteredBy 0b000_ (0); // Clock Constraints PRs isSubClockOf clk; PWs = HWf delayedFor 1 on clk; PWf = HWf delayedFor 2 on clk; temp1 = PWs union PWf; temp2 = temp1 union PRf; temp3 = clk minus temp2; PRs = HRs sampledOn temp3; PRs alternatesWith PRf; HRf = PRf; temp4 = PWs union PRs; temp5 = PWf union PRf; PClk = temp4 union temp5; }
APB Bridge in CCSL
IP-XACT Behavior Integration UML Representation Proposed IP-XACT Component
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