SEVIRI Scan Mirror M. Lampton UCB SSL Oct 2005
SEVIRI Spinning Enhanced Visible IR Imager Main instrument aboard MSG-1 (Meteosat Second Generation) Zerodur material Finished by Zeiss Very similar to SNAP folding flat mirror Mounting features could be of interest to us
“Zerodur In Space” Schott, x 530 x 67mm; 15.6 kg; 70% lightweighted
Flat fold mirror Optical design of TMA requires tight packaging between FM and passive cold stop while avoiding vignetting ULE, Zerodur, Be, SiC are OK Not a development driver Zerodur: SEVIRI mirror, Zeiss, 53x83cm, 16kg SiC: S. Roberts, DAO 2001; ASTRIUM; 50 x 80cm