Apr 17-22, NAOJ External alignment with X-Ray Telescope (XRT) and EUV Imaging Spectrometer (EIS) Y. Katsukawa (NAOJ) and SOT team
Apr 17-22, NAOJ2 Satellite coordinate definition 5. UFSS-SA 1. OTA1 2. FPP 3. XRT 4. EIS 6. UFSS-SB 7. NSAS 8. STT 9. IRU-B1 10. IRU-B2 11. OBU 13. BUS-Y 12. BUS+X X Y Z XRTEIS OTA FPP EIS UFSS OTA xx X Y Z yy zz zz x: N-S y: E-W z: Slit wrt Solar-N
Apr 17-22, NAOJ3 Alignment requirements The pointing axis of SOT represents the pointing axis of Solar-B; alignment of each instrument is performed so that its pointing axis to be coincide with that of the SOT.
Apr 17-22, NAOJ4 Alignment cubes Alignment cubes (cube mirrors) are attached to all the telescopes. Normal direction of the mirror surfaces represent the pointing direction of each telescope in the space-craft level test. The cubes are usually measured by a theodolite. Offset angles of pointing direction was measured with respect to the alignment cubes in the instrument level tests. OTA alignment cube Theodolite measurement x (“) y (“) z (“) OTA XRT EIS Pointing direction wrt the cubes
Apr 17-22, NAOJ5 SOT pointing measurement The field-of-view of SOT (OTA) is defined by the 2ndary field stop (2FS) located at the Gregorian focus. The FOV of 2FS is slightly larger than FPP NFI CCD. The pointing axis of OTA is defined by the ray passing through the center of 2FS and the center of the entrance pupil. The interferometer was aligned to the FOV center defined by 2FS in the WFE measurements. Tilt of the reference flat mirror provides the pointing direction of OTA. Interferometer Theodolite Tiltmeter X Z Alignment cube Flat mirror 2ndary Field Stop
Apr 17-22, NAOJ6 OTA – FPP alignment check on S/C A beam splitter was inserted between OTA and FPP. The theodolite was aligned to 2FS of OTA, and provides a beam into FPP. The crosshair of the theodolite was well located at the center of CCD (better than 4” on the Sun). Optical Bench X Z theodolite CCD FPP Beam splitter reimaging lens 2ndary field stop collimator lens unit
Apr 17-22, NAOJ7 Telescope alignment Each telescope is mounted to the optical bench unit (OBU) by three mounting legs. Tilt of the telescopes was aligned to OTA by adjusting lengths of the mounting legs. When the adjustment, we used a telescope template which represents mechanical I/F of each telescope. Finally alignment was confirmed by the actual telescopes. FPP template XRT template EIS template FPP template
Apr 17-22, NAOJ8 Alignment cube measurements We have measured the telescope alignment cubes in the integration, before and after the S/C vibration test. Alignment cube (arcsec)Pointing error wrt OTA xx yy zz xx yy zz FPPIntegration Pre-Vibration Post- Vibration Re- integration XRTIntegration Pre-Vibration Post- Vibration EISIntegration Pre-Vibration Post- Vibration UFS S -SA Pre-Vibration Post- Vibration
Apr 17-22, NAOJ9 Summary The measurement accuracy (repeatability) is better than 20” in the spacecraft-level measurements. We have measured pointing alignment among SOT, XRT, EIS, and the sun-sensor several times, and the offsets are less than 1 arcmin for all the telescopes. The final alignment measurement will be carried out before delivery to Uchinoura.