CLAS12-RICH Mechanical Design Status-Report CLAS12 RICH Review September 5-6 th 2013 S. Tomassini, D. Orecchini1 D. Orecchini, S. Tomassini
Outline Mechanical Integration and installation in CLAS12 External Envelope Frame and closing panels The Electronic Box and PMTs array Composite Mirror Optimization Composite mirror Industrial feasibility Glass Mirrors Conclusions S. Tomassini, D. Orecchini2
Mechanical Integration S. Tomassini, D. Orecchini3
RICH: Mechanical Integration In CLAS12 Side view Front view RICHRICH LTCC S. Tomassini, D. Orecchini4
RICH inter-Module clearance: 50,8mm Note: The same of the LTCC modules S. Tomassini, D. Orecchini RICH: Mechanical Integration In CLAS-12 5
RICH: Envelope Frame main dimensions The RICH envelope frame is almost the same as the LTCC envelope The RICH envelope is fully compatible with the LTCC constraints. Can be constrained to the forward carriage frame without any modification of the frame itself S. Tomassini, D. Orecchini6 RICH weight 3000 lbs LTCC weight 3300 lbs max
RICH: Mechanical Installation In CLAS12 The LTCC installation tool and procedures can be reused for the RICH installation on the forward carriage frame because of geometry and weight compatibility. Only the brackets must be rebuilt. Installation tool LTCC S. Tomassini, D. Orecchini7
Panels for connectors Forward removable panel Upper removable panel Forward side Backward removable panel Photodetector System Lateral walls Lower base Smaller base Upper base Backward stiffening frame Forward stiffening frame Forward sideBackward side RICH: Mechanical Envelope Frame S. Tomassini, D. Orecchini8
Metal Envelope Frame: Loads and Constraints All components are made of: AL 6082 T6 alloy S. Tomassini, D. Orecchini9
Total Deformation Equivalent Von-Mises stress Metal Frame: FEM analysis results at the run position Total deformation at the run position is negligible (< 1 mm / 3000 mm) Stress in the material is negligible (< 14 Mpa) S. Tomassini, D. Orecchini10
Electronic Box & PMTs Array S. Tomassini, D. Orecchini11
RICH: Inside Pictorial Views S. Tomassini, D. Orecchini12 Spherical Mirror PMTs Array & Electronic BoxFlat Mirror & Aerogel Tiles Planar mirror & Aerogel Support
RICH Module Electronic Box -House all the PMT and FEE cards -Stand alone structure that can be assembled and tested separately -Gas and light tight -More efficient thermal power dissipation -Electronic components protection RICH: Electronic Box S. Tomassini, D. Orecchini13
‘’Support Board’’ PMTs connectors PMTs side “Support Board” FEE side ASIC plus FPGA boards Stiffening frame ASIC connectors Inside the Electronic Box Support Board made of Durostone material. S. Tomassini, D. Orecchini14 # 408 tubes
ASIC Board FPGA Board PMTs 8500 Support Board & Light-tight Cover PMTs 8500 Connectors (Integrated in the Support Board) PMTs Side Support Frame S. Tomassini, D. Orecchini ASIC Board ASIC Board Connectors (Integrated in the Support Board) FEE-Side FPGA Board Electronic Box: details 15
PMTs 8500 Connectors (Integrated in the Support Board) ASIC Board Connectors (Integrated in the Support Board) PMTs 8500 Support Board & Light-tight Cover FPGA Board ASIC Board Side Exploded View Side View Support Frame INSIDE RICH SIDE OUTSIDE RICH SIDE INSIDE RICH module OUTSIDE RICH module S. Tomassini, D. Orecchini - All the E-Cards and the Cables are outside the RICH Box. Minimizing heat dissipation. Electronic Box: Installation Scheme 16
17 RICH MODULE BACK SIDE VIEW Photodetector system HV Calbles Routing Ways FE E_Cards Cables HV Calbles Routing Ways FE E_Cards Cables S. Tomassini, D. Orecchini OUTlet Cooling air pipes Inlet Cooling pipes Cables & Pipes ‘’Routing Ways’’ Cables & Pipes connectors panel RICH: Utility lines and signal readout cabling Same cable routing and connectors panels as LTCC
PMTs Box Electronic Box: Thermal Power Dissipation S. Tomassini, D. Orecchini18 Air flux Air speed ADVANTAGES: - More flexibily – the PMT Box is outside the rich module. - More efficient heat dissipation. 20°C 30°C Power to dissipate = 400 W Two parallel ways are planned: Cooled water serpentine around the PMT box (80%) Room temperature air flux (20%) Water Cooling Coil Air Outlet nozzles Air Inlet nozzles Cooling water coil
Mirror Design S. Tomassini, D. Orecchini19
Mirror Geometry S. Tomassini, D. Orecchini20 Spherical MIRROR radius: 4000mm Height: 1480 B2: 2820 B1: 1666 FLAT PANEL SPHERICAL MIRROR The flat mirror has the same surface of the aerogel array The spherical mirror is split into six sub-mirrors
Flat Mirror & Aerogel Support S. Tomassini, D. Orecchini21 Substrate Weight = 17 kg Aerogel Weight 35 kg Total Weight = 58 kg Tiles are constrained by a mesh of stretched nylon wires Each Glass Mirror is glued on three independent jack and stiffened by a frame. The stiffening frame acts as housing of the aerogel tiles Six independent glass mirrors. Glass Thickness 0.8 mm Glass Mirror 6 kg
Exploded View S. Tomassini, D. Orecchini22 = + + CFRP Panel GLASS Mirror & Mount frame Aerogel Bricks Assembly
S. Tomassini, D. Orecchini23 Glass Mirror and Aerogel tile Support Glass thickness = 0.8 mm
S. Tomassini, D. Orecchini24 FEM analysis of the CFRP flat panel Installation Operation g g Total Thickness= 9.6 mm CFRP stacking sequence
S. Tomassini, D. Orecchini25 Spherical Mirror and Mount Frame Geometry Front View Back View Frame Detail Split into Six sub-mirrors because of coating reasons. Max coating surface about 1 m^2 Substrate Weight = 10 kg CFRP frame Weight = 7 kg
FEM analysis of the SYM mount frame S. Tomassini, D. Orecchini26 g g Simply supported here MirrorMirror M i r ro r Installation Operation
Mirror Substrate: Industrial feasibility S. Tomassini, D. Orecchini27 CFRP mirrors Riba Composites (Italy) Thales-Alenia-Space (Italy-France) CMA (Usa –Tucson) We are in contact with many industries with proved expertise to manufacture substrate for spherical and planar mirrors. Glass mirrors Media-Lario (Italy) - Produced glass mirrors for MAGIC II and is working for the CTA telescope
CONCLUSIONS S. Tomassini, D. Orecchini28 RICH mechanic is fully compatible with the LTCC and CLAS12 forward carriage frame Installation tools and procedures for the LTCC can be reused for the RICH because of geometry and mass compatibility. New installation brackets are planned to align the installation tooling wrt gravity center. Tubes and electronic cards are housed in a single box that can be dismounted, maintained and assembled outside. Thermal power of about 400 W will be extracted by means of air flux and an auxiliary water cooling coil system. CFRP material substrate are necessary in order to fulfill the goal of light weight, high stiffness and accurate mirror geometry. Mechanical deformations in the operating position are very small for both spherical and flat mirrors The flat panel and spherical mount frame can be manufactured as single part. Reflective film coating of large curved surface is possible up to 1 m^2. Glass mirror technology derives from terrestrial telescope field and is commercially available.