Effect of Magnetic Fields on Radish Seed Germination Natalie Hyland Grade 12 Oakland Catholic
Objective To determine the effects of magnetic fields on radish seed germination
Hypothesis Seed germination will be inhibited by the presence of magnetic fields
Materials 12 Iron-Neodymium-Boron permanent magnets BH max :42 Mega-Gauss Oersteds Surface Field: 2250 Gauss 4 petri dishes 80 radish seeds (raphanus sativus) Digital camera Water Paper towels Double sided tape
Iron Neodymium Boron Magnets Fe-Nd-B magnets are among the strongest permanent magnets in the world. Composition is 82 atomic % Fe, 6 atomic % B, 12 atomic % Nd) Purchased from K&J Magnetics BHmax:52 Mega-Gauss Oersteds Requires roughly a 19 pound force to separate two magnets
Procedure 1. Cut paper towels to fit inside 4 petri dishes 2. Set petri dishes by a window at room temperature 3. Saturate paper towels with tap water 4. Place 20 radish seeds in each petri dish 5. Observe growth/germination each day 6. Moisten paper towels if necessary 7. End trial after 8 days 8. Repeated experiments 3 times
Experimental Setup Fe-Nd-B magnets Control Petri Dishes Field Strength 2 Magnets4500 Gauss 4 Magnets9000 Gauss 6 Magnets13500Gauss
Trial 1 Data
Trial 2 Data
Trial 3 Data