Katrien van’t Hooft New opportunities for Natural Livestock Farming Symposium Green Solutions for Reducing Antibiotics Zwolle, 1 October 2015 Overview of the E-Motive exchange program on the reduction of antibiotic use in dairy farming
E-Motive: KLICK between North & South
Objectives Initiated in 2006 by Oxfam Novib, Movisie and NCDO – with EU funding Includes Dutch, Spanish and Polish partners Brings together professionals on specific themes Exchange on basis of equality New vision on development cooperation
Project dairy farming Goal: Promote practical ways towards reduced antibiotic use in dairy farming How: Exchange farmers and veterinarians in India, Ehiopia/Uganda and the Netherlands Vision: Combination of use of medicinal plants and improved animal management Funding: E-Motive program of Oxfam Novib + Province Overijssel
Participating organizations Netherlands India _________________________________________ Ethiopia: Uganda:
Expected output of project 1. Practical and economically viable ways to reduce the use of antibiotics and other chemicals in dairy farming 2. Collaborating action-learning communities of veterinarians and farmers in 4 countries 3. New methods of development cooperation: on basis of equality and joint learning
Auspicous timing: Dutch farmers and veterinarians are looking for alternatives in case of: mastitis, calf diarrea, hoof problems + increase life-span of dairy cows 2012 Dutch government decided: reduction of antibiotic use in livestock sector 70% before end of 2015 (compared to 2009)
Dutch exchange to India – april 2014
India: Solutions for mastitis through curative use of herbs and medicinal plants
Summer 2014 Trial on sub-clinical mastitis with Indian Ayurvedic recipe
October 2014 Indian delegation to Netherlands
Improved animal- & farm management Use of medicinal plants Milk quality control system Milk quality payment system One output of 2014: 4-layer antibiotic reduction strategy
Another output of 2014: Film Green Antibiotics
New in 2015: -Dutch group: besides farmers and veterinarians also institutes: Vet Faculty, Animal Health Service/GD, LTO, VHL -Exchange incudes African delegates to India – and Indian delegates to Africa -Proposal with Oxfam: Healthy Cows – Healthy Food Ethnoveterinary medicine Breeding Milk quality -Developing joint services
New in 2015: Exchange extended to Africa: ESAP (Ethiopia) and PENHA (Uganda) with focus on breeding
Output of 2015: Film Milk dilemma in Africa On National TV, NPO 2, weekend October
In 2015 Center of Expertise for Natural Livestock Farming (NLF) Formalized collaboration between Netherlands, India, Ethiopia, Uganda NLF board+ coordination Platform Ethiopia Platform Uganda Platform India Platform NL
Towards the future: -Proposal with Oxfam: Healthy Cows – Healthy Food Ethnoveterinary medicine Breeding & animal management Milk quality control -Developing joint services, e.g. Support to developing (organic) dairy chain Training for veterinarians, farmers Support in reviving local breeds
All activities developed in now in 10 symposium workshops Have a nice day!