The Role of Social Capital in Facilitating Partnerships Marilyn Amey, MSU Pamela Eddy, CMU Tim Campbell, MSU Jesse Watson, MSU
Research Question What role does social capital play in developing innovations like partnerships? What is the impact of differences in individual social capital on partnership development? How does the intersection of individual social capital among partners impact partnership capital?
Capital Social Capital –a resource for individual and collective actors created by the configuration and content of the network of their more or less durable social relations (Adler & Quan, 2000, p. 93) Key Components: Relationships and Social Networks Density Centrality Trust
Intentional Development of Social Capital Those who have time and energy to make lots of connections – making strategic choices Connecting to central others Can be very efficient Strategic as long as central person is in favor Balance “halo” with “second fiddle” Useful for those less represented Becoming the resource bridge/link for those not otherwise connected Entrepreneurial strategy Transactions
Concerns with Social Capital Not as easily transferred as other forms of organizational capital If partnerships built on basis of champion’s social capital, there can be a problem if champion leaves Developing strong relationships also may make it harder to bridge diverse groups with weaker ties – opportunity costs involved Relationships are not always positive
Conditions of change Levels of Trust Leadership Planning Transition issues Fear of implementation – At least in part b/c change threatens social relationships and one’s sense of social capital Unsettles power dynamics
Champion as Change Agent Understands organization – culture, resources, politics Acts as resource broker and networker Transformational leaders develop extensive external networks to diverse set of contacts Understands own organizational and social capital Leadership is bringing together the right people at the right time in order to get the job done
Enacting Social Capital in Partnership Development: Stage I – Antecedents Antecedents Motivation Context Potential Partners Centrality Trust Density
Negotiating Social Capital Stage II – The Developing Partnership Partnerships Outcomes Context Partners #1 #2#3 Intentions Resource Rank/ Status Power
Stage III – Partnership Capital— Network Shared Beliefs Shared Norms Power/Resources/ Intention
Conclusions Social and organizational capital are key aspects of partnerships Centrality of partner’s social capital makes a difference Mix of players Extend network by involving all stakeholders Context Up front and on-going needs assessment, creating strategic plan and setting the plan [roles & responsibilities, process, timeline, communication]— formal process and revisit
Conclusions (cont.) Social capital shifts over time and will be used differently by partners depending on what they have Individual capital can be built, misspent, evaporate Partnership Capital Time to develop Changes over time Powerful lever for change
Final Thoughts If social capital is harder to institutionalize beyond the partners, including into the partnership, and it may shift over time, what happens when partners change? Does timing matter? Although it seems quite important to partnership development, is social capital a useful strategy to intentionally use? Can it be augmented?
Final Thoughts What are the key ingredients in the different stages of partnership development? To what extent can they be planned for or developed with intentionality? How can you best plan for using social capital for the best outcomes?