Jessica Rauls & Melissa White 4300 A Dr. Tonja Root Spring th Grade: Travel Journals
Jessica Rauls: Prewriting GPS: ELA4W4 The student consistently uses a writing process to develop, revise and evaluate writing: the student a. Plans and drafts independently and resourcefully. PLO: The students will create a Travel Journal by completing a graphic organizer.
Form of Writing: Travel Journals 4 Check Points of Prewriting Topic- What’s my topic? Form- What am I writing? Audience- Who am I writing for? Purpose- Why am I writing?
Stage of Writing: Prewriting What must I do? Gather Ideas/ Brain Storm Complete Graphic Organizer Ask questions Complete Sentences: NOT NEEDED! Correct Punctuation: NOT NEEDED!
My Journey
What’s a Travel Journal? A travel journal is a collection of memories from a trip. Smith, L. (2008) 101 Car travel games & ideas for kids. Retrieved April 9, 2008 from Website: http// com/tripjournal.html
Providing Practice The class will help the teacher fill out a graphic organizer on their recent class trip to Sea World.
Assessment Activity The students will choose a trip that they have been on and complete their travel journal graphic organizer.
Melissa White ECED 4300 A Dr. Tonja Root Spring th Grade Travel Journals
Melissa White Drafting of a Travel Journal PLO: Students will complete a travel journal article. They will use the graphic organizer that they used in prewriting.
GPS ELA5W2: The student demonstrates competence in a variety of genres. The student produces informational writing (e.g., report, procedures, correspondence) that: a. Engages the reader by establishing a context, creating a speaker’s voice, and otherwise developing reader interest.
Travel Journal A travel journal is a record of a trip that contains pictures, souvenirs, drawings, and writings about a trip that the student has taken.
Drafting Cont. Drafting-writing that turns the ideas from prewriting to sentences. This is also known as the rough draft. In drafting you do not worry with punctuation, grammar, or how long the draft is.
Practice Activity We will create a journal article for a travel journal based on the picture on the left.
Assessment Activity The teacher will pass out pre-made journals. The teacher will then ask the students to write a journal article about a trip that they took. The class should use the graphic organizer that they used in the pre writing stage.