Tsehay Farmers cooperative union Kabuli (Arerti) Chickpea seed multiplication in North Gondar zone September 17/2015 Addis Ababa
Mission of Tsehay Union TSEHAY MULTIPURPOSE FARMERS’ COOPERATIVES UNION Vision of Tsehay Union To see socio-economically advanced farm community in its operation areas by 2030 Mission of Tsehay Union The union ensures the benefits of member farmers through securing the supply of agricultural inputs, processing and marketing agricultural products using agro-industries and strengthening capacity building”
1. Background of the union Tsehay union was established in 1999 and legally registered on February 2000, with registration no. 01/1992 making its official address at North Gondar Zone, Gondar district, Gondar town of Amhara Regional State. In the year 2000 with 5 cooperatives and now is a union of 117 cooperatives working at 10 Woredas with a total number of 75,508 small holder farmers, 33 million capital, and 43 permanent employers.
Selected production Kebele in Gondar Zuria woreda:- Chihira .................. 17 farmers, Laiye ....................... 50 farmers and Zengag ..................... 51 farmers Total 118 farmers participate in seed multiplication. Those kebeles are more chickpea production area. They have access of transportation,
Tsehay union chickpea (Arerti) Seed multiplication action plan 2015 Item what Target when who 1 Kabuli Chickpea multiplication workshop Woreda agri.office, Tsehay union and ARARA 15-Jul Tsehya union 2 Selection of seed production area and farmers Multiplication Kabuli and distribute at reasonable cost Jul-15 Tsehay union/Gondar Zuria Woreda Agricultural Office 3 Purchase Kabuli Chickpea Distribute to 100 farmers Tsehay union 4 Distribute the seeds Farmers Aug-15 Tsehay & G/ Zuria Agri.Office 5 Follow up August/15- Dec/15 6 Filed Visit Caltivated chikpea Oct-15 7 Tarining for Farmers and Primary cooperative Leaders Farmers and Cooperative leadrs Sep-15 Tsehay union and Zone Coop. Pro. Office Marketing experts 8 PP bag purchase for collecting seed For Seed collection Sep-2015 Tsehay union marketing Dep. 9 Sewing machine For pp bag sewing Sep - 2015
Se.No Activity Remark 1 Kabuli Chickpea multiplication workshop 32 participants was participate from Woreda agri., Woreda coop, Kebele DAs, Cooperative leaders, Gondar Research center, Zone Quarantine, Woreda officials and union 2 Selection of seed multiplication area 50 hectares 3 Selection of farmers 118 individuals 4 Seed purchase from Ethiopian seed enterprise 50 Quintals 5 Training for Farmers and Primary cooperative Leaders 154 participants was participate from the training. 6 Seed distribution and contractual agreement between Union and PC, and PC and individual farmers. 50 Quintals seed distribute to 118 farmers by contractual agreement. 7 Bio fertilizer distribution Zengaje 42/51, Layeye 40/50 and Chihira 17/17 = 99 (84% ) of farmers use
What we do the next:- Follow up from planting up to harvesting, (North Gondar Quarantine, Gonder Research Centre, North Gondar Agri. Dep., Union and Woreda Agri. Office) Supply chemicals (insecticide and pesticide) Market linkage between Primary cooperatives with Farmers and Union with primary cooperatives Supply pp bags to PC, Collect seeds, cleaning, packing, standardized and supply to the farmers.
Thank you!!