Q: How can your business reach over 1,500 prime households in East Grand Rapids ? A: Advertise in the “EGR Family Directory and Resource Guide” Your Ad Here! Your Ad Here ! Your Ad Here! Your Ad Here! Why advertise in EGR? East Grand Rapids is a prime and concentrated market for many services and products With average annual household income above $142,000, EGR residents have higher than average disposable income (Kiplinger Report, May 2012) Most EGR families spend money on personal and child training, education and enrichment programs Why advertise in the EGR Directory? The EGR Family Directory is a great place to reach families in EGR Directories are used throughout the school year by parents and children Ad and Coupon rates start at $75 for 1/8 of a page Front and back cover space available Demonstrate your support of EGR schools Advertising and sponsorship fees underwrite Middle School athletics programs Contact David Adams for more information: The EGR Directory is an invaluable resource for every EGR family – containing phone numbers, addresses, parent names, student names and grades, etc. “I keep a school directory in my car and in my kitchen to help plan car pools, remember the names of parents and locate the homes of my daughter’s newest friends. I couldn’t live without it.” ~ actual quote from a busy EGR mom