In December 2009, 50 people decided to give up a Friday night to sleep out in a cardboard box. They raised nearly £5k to help those who are homeless. This year, many of them will do it again.. Will you join them?
“We had such good fun its untrue. We will 100% do it again.” Jane Barrett, Tracker. “It was a great event and we “enjoyed”? taking part. I have already sent the date (for SleepOut 2010) to all of my team and we look forward to supporting the event in even larger numbers! Maria Armstrong-Gimblett, Director, Marriot Hotels. “The Trinity SleepOut was a transformational event for us. I would recommend the experience to all of us looking to learn from others and make a difference” Craig Goldblatt, Motivational Business Speaker. “Now I’ve slept in a box you think even more about the cold evenings.” Nicky Cooper, Tracker.
The Trinity Big SleepOut 2010 Friday 3 rd -Saturday 4 th December Hillingdon Athletics Stadium, Uxbridge. £100 minimum sponsorship per person. Clubs, churches, youth groups, friends, colleagues, all are welcome. Click here Click here for further details or google Trinity Homeless Projects