11/25/2015Marketing Research2 Observation (Variables) Theory (Concepts)
11/25/2015Marketing Research3 Observation Generalization Theory Hypothesis DEDUCTIONDEDUCTION INDUCTIONINDUCTION
11/25/2015Marketing Research4 Theory Observation Theory
11/25/2015Marketing Research5 1. Identify the Research Problem 2. Choose the Research Method 3. Select the Sampling Procedure 4. Collect the Data 5. Analyze the Data 6. Write the Report 7. Follow up
Albert Einstein 1. Identify the research problem
Need estimates of prevalence? Need to establish causality? EXPERIMENT Yes Objective answers by asking? No Yes SURVEY Good Poor Understanding of problem? Understanding of Problem? EXPLORATORY or SECONDARY No OBSERVATIONAL RESEARCH FOCUS GROUPS No 2. Choose the research method
11/25/2015Marketing Research8 Census Sample ◦ Probablility ◦ Stratified ◦ Nonprobability
11/25/2015Marketing Research10 A. DATA PREPARATION 1. Prepare the data ◦ Coding, Check for Errors & Omissions 2. Enter the data 3. Recode ◦ “Dummy variables,” outliers & standardization
11/25/2015Marketing Research11 TYPES: ◦ Univariate description ◦ Bivariate relationships ◦ Multivariate relationships Covariation Null hypothesis (Ho) ◦ Alternative hypothesis (Ha) Directionality Degrees of freedom Significance level
11/25/2015Marketing Research12 1 categorical IV, 1 categorical DV ◦ Chi-square 1 categorical IV, 1 continuous DV ◦ T-test or ANOVA 1 continuous IV, 1 continuous DV ◦ Correlation and regression >1 IV, 1 continuous DV ◦ Multiple regression
11/25/2015Marketing Research13 Abstract (Executive Summary) Introduction * Qualitative Research * ◦ Methods * ◦ Findings * Quantitative Research ◦ Methods ◦ Results Conclusions
11/25/2015Marketing Research14 Models: 1. Book 2. American Psychological Association style guide 3. Published research in marketing ◦ Journal of Consumer Research ◦ Journal of Marketing ◦ Journal of Advertising
One paragraph ( words) Should summarize everything: ◦ Theory ◦ Hypotheses ◦ Qualitative research ◦ Quantitative research ◦ Conclusions (1 page total) TIP: Write last! 11/25/2015Marketing Research15
11/25/2015Marketing Research16 Statement of the problem ◦ (about 1 page) Theory and previous research ◦ (about 3 pages) Hypotheses ◦ (about ½ page)
11/25/2015Marketing Research17 Subjects ◦ number of respondents, how recruited, etc. (about 1 page) Methods ◦ Method, Questions (1 page) Findings ◦ Summary of the findings (3 pages)
11/25/2015Marketing Research18 METHODS Subjects ◦ number of respondents, how recruited, etc. ◦ (about 1 page) Independent variables ◦ how measured or manipulated ( ½ page) Dependent variables ◦ how measured or manipulated ( ½ page)
11/25/2015Marketing Research19 RESULTS Univariate results ◦ Means or percentages most important ones, most interesting (2 pages) Statistical analysis ◦ Hypothesis tests planned analyses (2 pages)
11/25/2015Marketing Research20 What have we learned? ◦ (1 page) Support for hypotheses? ◦ (1 page) Limitations of research ◦ ( ½ page) Future research ◦ ( ½ page)
11/25/2015Marketing Research21 Observation Generalization Theory Hypothesis DEDUCTIONDEDUCTION INDUCTIONINDUCTION
11/25/2015Marketing Research22 Theories are nets cast to catch what we call “the world”: to rationalize, to explain, and to master it. We endeavor to make the mesh ever finer and finer. Karl R. Popper Theory