Super Sharks By: Christopher and Hassan Christopher and Hassan
Description Sharks breath through gills. Some sharks have small teeth. They can smell very well. Sharks are made of cartilage. Sharks have a organ called a lateral line.
Habitat Sharks live in all of the oceans. The Carpet shark can swim on the bottom of the sea. The Wobbegongs can swim on the bottom of the sea.
Food The Whale shark eats tiny krill and plankton. The Cookie Cutter shark attaches itself to its prey and wiggles its head to bite out chunks.
Safety tips If you rub a sharks skin a certain way it will cut you. Sharks can smell blood a mile away. Gray Reef sharks mostly come out at night.
Interesting Facts TTTThe Great White shark can weigh over 1000 pounds. A shark can grow new teeth over night. The Dwarf glows in the dark. The Whale shark is the gentlest shark in the sea.